
I have been seeking a system that will allow me to store all of my written 
output as structured data. After recently discovering Scribble, I think I may 
have found it (I really like the @-form syntax)! However, I think I need to 
make some changes to turn it into what I need, and that's where I could use 
some help.

I want to treat all of my written output as structured data first and foremost, 
which I could then traverse & transform into various documents as needed.

As an example, suppose I have taken notes on 100 different math books and have 
written down some 3000 theorems from these books. Throughout the rest of my 
life, there are a number of things I may want to do with these notes, such as:

  - In a REPL, get a list of all theorems I've ever written down.
  - In a REPL, for a given list xs of theorems, get a list of all references I 
have made to those theorems across all my written content.
  - Take theorems x and y and display them in a document.

At a finer granularity, within a theorem, I might reference a specific entity 
type that I deemed important enough to represent structurally, like, say 
`@math-term{finite list}` (or more likely as `@finite-list`, which expands to 
`@math-term{finite list}`). Years later, I may want to do something like 
'Traverse the list of all top-level entities that reference `(math-term "finite 
list")` anywhere within.'

Generalizing from those examples, I actually have a pretty broad ontology of 
entity types I am devising for different types of content I might write down. 
Things like:

  (ask scribble-devs "Advice for treating content as structured data ...")
  (tell scribble-devs "I love Scribble and its embedded @-form s-exprs!")
  (code [racket library] "I had an idea for a Scribble modification that...")
  (search [web] "Is there anything else out there like Scribble?")
  (explore [math] @{Is @theorem-ref{LADR/foo} about @finite-list related to 
@theorem-ref{IntroToProbability/bar} somehow?}
  (remember [happened-to-me] "Today I discovered Scribble and got very 

That `(explore ...)` example would show up in my REPL "list of all 
references...to those theorems [xs]" I mentioned in the example use cases 
earlier, because it references a `@theorem-def` I'm interested in.

Finally, something like `(math-term "finite list")`, when embedded into a 
document, should be able to render to html as '<span class="math-term">finite 
list</span>' and to TeX as "\textbf{finite list}", and I should be able to 
define new entity types & their content-type translations easily whenever 

To recap, I'm looking to treat my written output as structured datums/syntax 
objects/structs foremost, which I can traverse/combine/transform into documents 
as needed; I want to extend my ontology of datums easily whenever needed; I 
want to define translations of new datums into various content-types whenever 

Although Scribble is mostly document-oriented as it stands, my instincts tell 
me that the combination of Racket + Scribble's @-forms would make a great fit 
for my needs.

Do you think I could/should leverage Scribble for any of this? Do you have any 
advice on approaches I might try to get to where I want to be?

I realize those are extremely open-ended and vague questions. Feel free to 
answer at whatever level of granularity you have time for, if at all. I just 
wanted to gather suggestions from the world's premier Scribble experts before I 
begin writing any code.

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