> I just meant: it's an approach that has worked before. "Better"? That's for
> you to decide.

Alright :)

Regarding the syntax of the DSL, I was intentionally vague about it in the
original post because I wanted to focus on the technical choices I made. But let
me expand on it a bit the means of an example. The following is the source code:

  (define two-column-layout
    #`(#:max-width 910px
       [@media (and screen (#:min-width 960px))
               #:max-width 1000px
               [a #:color |#ff0011|]]))

       #:margin-left 10px
       #:padding-left (px 10)
       #:font-family "Equity" "Concourse" Arial
       #:border {#:left (1px solid yellow)
                 #:right (2px solid black)}

The following is the compiled CSS:

  body {
    margin-left: 10px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    font-family: "Equity", "Concourse", Arial;
    border-left: 1px solid yellow;
    border-right: 2px solid black;
    max-width: 910px;

  @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
    body {
      max-width: 1000px;

    body a {
      color: #ff0011;

Note that:

- [Selector “body”, declarations “margin-left” and “padding-left”] The value
  “10px” is expressible in two ways “10px” and “(px 10)”. The former
  representation is better for writing out explicitly (yes, it is a pun on
  “10px” being a symbol in Racket). The latter representation is better when the
  magnitude is a variable, for example, “(px #,gutter)”.

  Similar representation options are available elsewhere in the DSL, for
  example, CSS at rules.

- [Selector “body”, declaration “font-family”] The CSS value delimited by quotes
  is a Racket string, the CSS value not delimited by quotes is a Racket
  symbol. In fact, in the DSL both the values “10px” and “Arial” go through the
  same translation mechanism.

- [Selector “body”, declaration “font-family”] Lists of CSS values do not
  require extra parenthesis in the DSL.

- [Selector “body”, declaration “border”] It is possible to nest
  declarations, a featured borrowed from SASS.

- [Selector “body”, declaration “border”, sub-declarations “left” and “right”] A
  composite CSS value require extra parenthesis in the DSL.

- [Selector “body”, splicing “two-column-layout”] A mixin is the result of an
  “unquote-splicing”. Mixins can have parameters, in the form of a function that
  returns a piece of DSL syntax. This is a feature from SASS that the DSL gets
  for free, because of the Racket embedding. The same is true of SASS variables.

- [Mixin “two-column-layout”, at-rule “@media” and selector “a”] It is possible
  to nest rules. Another feature borrowed from SASS.

- [Mixin “two-column-layout”, selector “a”, declaration “color”] It is possible
  to represent colors with Racket symbols, for example, “|#ff0011|” and
  “\#ff0011”. Unsurprisingly, they go through the same translation mechanism as
  “10px” and “Arial”. This is one of the very few places where I anticipate
  users having to escape characters in symbols.

There are many more tricks in this DSL. This example serves only to give you a
flavor of what I am trying to accomplish while trying to avoid overwhelm you
with the details. These details are still changing, which is the main reason why
I have not published the library yet. Of course, if it interests you, I can give
an overview of the whole language. But that goes beyond my main point for the
moment, which is to figure out if I am using the right tools for the job.

If you have more suggestions, please comment. I am happy to read your feedback.

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