Actually, what I've ended up doing is this:

1) There's a globally accessible jumptable hash that any function is
free to register with.  The hash maps a string key to a procedure.

2) Tasks get stored to the 'tasks' table in the DB as a JSONB blob of
the form (e.g.):  { "function": "release-space"   "args-list": [
"/foo/bar" ] }, along with a timestamp, priority, and a "claimed"

3) There's a worker pool of threads which periodically grab one entry
out of the table and execute it with (apply (jumptable "function")
(json-blob "args-list")).  (Note that I'm using rackjure, so the
'hash-ref' isn't necessary.) The example above it would reduce to
(apply release-space '("/foo/bar"))

It's a little down at the heels, and using a global variable is nasty,
but it works.  Tony's suggestion about MFA is cleaner but
dynamic-require is problematic when use raco exe to build an
executable (which I'll need to do).  Still, I'm glad to see that I
independently made it most of the way to a solution that a lot of
smart people regard as good.

Thanks all -- the input is much appreciated.


Thanks for the input everyone
On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Philip McGrath
<> wrote:
> If you want to go this way (and I suspect that there may be a better way),
> rather than using eval, I would look at serial-lambda from
> web-server/lang/serial-lambda, which lets you create closures (like the
> values produced by lambda) that could be put into a TEXT field using
> serialize and write. The benefit is that once you read and deserialize, you
> have a value that can be directly applied to arguments or called as a thunk,
> not source code that needs to be evaluated.
> For one approach to security, see web-server/stuffers/hmac-sha1. There are
> probably additional considerations in your case, but it would at least
> ensure that your serialized closures in the database are not forged.
> But I wonder why you need to save these "tasks" to disk. Unless they need to
> persist across runs of the application, it seems like you might be better
> served using threads (and possibly custodians and/or will executors, which I
> haven't had much cause to play with yet). For example, to do something in 5
> minutes, you could write:
> (thread
>  (λ ()
>    (sleep (* 60 5))
>    ;; do work
>    ))
> Then you could leave all the work of making sure your "tasks" actually run
> at the appropriate moment to Racket. (In fact, even if some of your tasks do
> need to persist across runs of your application, you could still use this
> approach for actually running them if you include a step in your startup
> sequence to re-spawn any tasks that remain in your database.)
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 6:27 AM Tony Garnock-Jones <>
> wrote:
>> On 10/28/2016 08:21 PM, David Storrs wrote:
>> > Is it possible to take (e.g.) a procedure object and decompose it back
>> > into its original source code?
>> I don't believe this is possible without murky unsafe programming, but...
>> > One (bad) idea that came to mind was to simply shove some Racket code
>> > into a TEXT field in the database, then eval it when the time comes.
>> ... this isn't actually so bad. From what you write, I think you're
>> already seeing the potential pitfalls: what should be in scope of the
>> code to be eval'd?
>> > Now, this is horrible for a lot of reasons (security and error
>> > handling being two of them)
>> Security will be a problem no matter what, but I don't see that error
>> handling gives undue difficulty! What am I missing?
>> > suppose I already had a function that did what I needed and I
>> > wanted to use that
>> Instead of storing a list-representing-code-to-eval, you could store
>>  - the name of a module
>>  - the name of a function
>>  - a list of argument values
>> and use `dynamic-require` in your task runner to find the given function:
>>   > (dynamic-require 'racket/list 'filter-map)
>>   #<procedure:filter-map>
>> and then `apply` with the arguments...
>> Erlang uses essentially this approach in many places where actually
>> passing a closure around would be problematic (e.g.: code upgrades;
>> serialization to databases; etc). Erlang terminology is to call the
>> triple of module name, function name, and arguments an "MFA".
>> Cheers,
>>   Tony
>> --
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