On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:18 PM, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> tl;dr :  Why is the following an error?
> #lang at-exp racket
> (define a "this")
> @pregexp{^@a}  ;; Should produce #px"^this" but errors out
> @pregexp{@(~a "^" a)}  ;; This works but is clumsy

I see that the problem was pointed to you several times, but I didn't
see suggestions for a convenient replacement.  I often have something
like this:

    #lang at-exp racket
    (define px (compose pregexp string-append))   ; <--- like this
    (define a "this")
    @px{^@a}  ; works fine, and looks like a variant of #px"..."

[[ You can also do this for a one-time-use:

    @(compose pregexp string-append){^@a}

but that's almost as bad as one of

    (pregexp @string-append{^@a})


                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                  Eli Barzilay:
                   http://barzilay.org/                  Maze is Life!

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