On 11/08/2016 11:24 PM, George Neuner wrote:

- I need to turn the UTC datetimes on all the results back into local
times with the right time zone

Does the following do what you want?

  (require srfi/19)

  ;; date-at-tz : Date Integer -> Date
  ;; Returns date of equivalent instant in given timezone.
  (define (date-at-tz d tz)
    (let ([t (date->time-utc d)])
      (time-utc->date t tz)))

  (define fmt "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S~z")
  (define s1 "2016-11-09 01:12:00Z")
  (define d1 (string->date s1 fmt))
  (define d2 (date-at-tz d1 (* -5 60 60)))

  (date->string d1 fmt)
  ;; => "2016-11-09 01:23:00Z"
  (date->string d2 fmt)
  ;; => "2016-11-08 20:23:00-0500"
  (equal? (date->time-utc d1) (date->time-utc d2))
  ;; => #t

Another option is to let PostgreSQL do it for you using AT TIME ZONE (or the timezone function):

  select ('2016-11-09 01:23:00Z'::timestamptz)
    at time zone 'us/eastern';
  => 2016-11-08 20:23:00

But beware that PostgreSQL interprets numerical timezones backwards (sometimes?) (see https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20151021034109.3017....@wrigleys.postgresql.org). I've read that thread and the docs and I still can't make sense of it.


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