In case you get interested in implementing fitting for non-linear problems
as well, consider taking a look at this survey: "Methods for non-linear
least squares problems" by K. Madsen, H.B. Nielsen, O. Tingleff.

The first section is on descent algorithms.

/Jens Axel

2016-12-02 7:52 GMT+01:00 'John Clements' via Racket Users <>:

> > On Dec 1, 2016, at 12:07, Bradley Lucier <> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/01/2016 02:04 PM, John Clements wrote:
> >>
> >> Would it be all right with you if I shared your mail with the mailing
> list? A brief reading of this paper shows me the relationship between
> solving this problem and approximation of gaussian elimination, and I’d
> like to ask Jens Axel Soegaard and Neil Toronto how this relates to the
> general algorithms for matrix solution.
> >
> > Yes, you can share it.
> >
> > The Conjugate Gradient method is applicable to solving $Ax=b$ when $A$
> is a symmetric, positive definite matrix.  It's not applicable to the
> problem with general $A$.
> >
> > So, in fact, it's applicable to solving $A^*Ax=A^*b$, the normal
> equations for least squares, since $A^*A$ is symmetric and positive
> definite.  The brilliance of the method is that it doesn't actually compute
> $A^*A$, but only $Ay$ and $A^*y$ for various vectors $y$.
> >
> > The method is particularly useful when the linear system $Ax=b$ has
> inherent error in $A$ and $b$, and so one requires only an approximation to
> the solution $x$.
> Okay, I’ve taken a crack at implementing this… well, I have a toy
> implementation, that doesn’t do any checking and only works for a
> particular matrix shape.
> Short version: yep, it works!
> Now, a few questions.
> 1) What should one use as the initial estimate, x_0 ? The method appears
> to work fine for an initial estimate that is uniformly zero. Is there any
> reason not to use this?
> 2) When does one stop? I have not read the paper carefully, but it appears
> that it’s intended to “halt” in approximately ’n’ steps, where ’n’ is the …
> number of rows? In the one case I tried, my “direction” vector p_i quickly
> dropped to something on the order of [1e-16, 1e-16], and in fact it became
> perfectly stable, in that successive iterations produced precisely the same
> values for the three iteration variables. However, it wouldn’t surprise me
> to discover that there were cases on which the answer oscillated between
> two minutely different values. Can you shed any light on when it’s safe to
> stop in the general case?
> 3) Do you have any idea how this technique compares to any described in
> Numerical Recipes or implemented in LAPACK ?
> John
> --
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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