> On Dec 13, 2016, at 17:17, Robby Findler <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> The phase1/phase2 stuff isn't really for preference initialization.
> You should be able to just do it when the module require'd (ie at its
> toplevl) or when the tool@ unit is invoked. Either phase would also be
> fine.

Okay, excellent.

> Also, you might want to use the preference directly in the part of the
> library that doesn't depend on DrRacket (so you can run it, say, from
> the command-line), in which case you'd want to move the preferences
> initialization to that library.

Yep, already did that.
> And you might want to use framework/preferences, a preferences library
> that builds on top of get-preference and adds some conveniences.

Oh, that looks nice! Many thanks!


> Robby
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 5:10 PM, John Clements
> <cleme...@brinckerhoff.org> wrote:
>> The RSound package generates sounds. It generates a bunch of them at 
>> startup, and in general, there’s no way to know exactly what frame rates the 
>> machine supports. Historically, 44.1KHz has been the standard, but recently, 
>> 48K has been gaining traction, and many of my students’ machines no longer 
>> support 44.1K at all.
>> After waffling for a while on how best to solve this, I think that the right 
>> solution is to add a preference for this. I investigated the interface, and 
>> thanks to the exceptional DrRacket docs, I had no trouble implementing the 
>> preference. I have two questions/concerns:
>> 1) I notice that I don’t seem to have any other packages that have 
>> preferences, and I feel a bit funny about adding a top-level preference pane 
>> to DrRacket. Currently, my preference panel contains exactly one choice box, 
>> with the choices 44100 and 48000. Should I attach this to some other 
>> preference panel?
>> 2) Should I be adding this preference pane in the phase1 or phase2 callbacks 
>> of the tool interface, or in the base module invocation? I picked phase1, 
>> and it seems to work. Based on my reading of the phase1 and phase2 docs, it 
>> seems like… it shouldn’t matter, and maybe I should just put it in the unit 
>> invocation.
>> Finally, here’s the source code for the tool.rkt file. Any comments much 
>> appreciated!
>> Best,
>> John
>> https://github.com/jbclements/RSound/blob/forty-eight-k/rsound/tool.rkt
>> or simply as inline text:
>> #lang racket/gui
>> (require drracket/tool
>>         framework)
>> (provide tool@)
>> ;; the list of permissible default frame rates.
>> ;; This is used for generation of all built-in sounds, and is the
>> ;; default for pstreams and in other places. You can change it with
>> ;; the default-frame-rate parameter, but this won't affect the sounds
>> ;; that are already generated.
>> ;; For ease of use, we limit this setting to one of a few possibilities.
>> ;; there's really no reason not to allow anything between 8K and 48K except
>> ;; that it would confuse people. I don't know whether 96K would present
>> ;; problems... it might slow down sound generation unacceptably.
>> (define LEGAL-DEFAULT-FRS '(44100 48000))
>> ;; if the existing preference is not one of the legal ones, reset to this:
>> (define RESET-FR 44100)
>> (define tool@
>>  (unit
>>    (import drracket:tool^)
>>    (export drracket:tool-exports^)
>>    (define (phase1)
>>      (define FR-pref-from-file (get-preference 'rsound:default-frame-rate))
>>      (define FR-pref (cond [(member FR-pref-from-file LEGAL-DEFAULT-FRS)
>>                             FR-pref-from-file]
>>                            [else
>>                             (put-preferences '(rsound:default-frame-rate)
>>                                              (list RESET-FR))
>>                             RESET-FR]))
>>      (define FR-pref-idx (for/first ([i (in-naturals)]
>>                                      [fr (in-list LEGAL-DEFAULT-FRS)]
>>                                      #:when (= FR-pref fr))
>>                            i))
>>      (preferences:add-panel
>>       "RSound"
>>       (λ (parent)
>>         (define vpanel
>>           (new vertical-panel% (parent parent) (alignment '(left top))))
>>         (new choice%
>>              [label "default frame rate"]
>>              [choices (map number->string LEGAL-DEFAULT-FRS)]
>>              [parent vpanel]
>>              [selection FR-pref-idx]
>>              [callback
>>               (λ (choicebox evt)
>>                 (when (equal? (send evt get-event-type) 'choice)
>>                   (match (send choicebox get-selection)
>>                     [#f (error 'choice-callbox
>>                                "internal error: no default frame rate 
>> selected (should be impossible?)")]
>>                     [n (put-preferences '(rsound:default-frame-rate)
>>                                         (list (list-ref LEGAL-DEFAULT-FRS 
>> n)))])))])
>>         vpanel)))
>>    (define (phase2) (void))))
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