Below is what works for me (this is just for the archives).
When run the program prints this warning/info which I assume it is ok to

    GL context changed
    You are using OpenGL '(4 1) with gl-backend-version of 3.3
    '#(#(400.0 400.0) #(0.945 0.945) #(378.0 378.0) #(378.0 378.0) #(400.0

The computer runs OS X 10.12.2 (Sierra) and the Graphics card is an Intel
Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB.

#lang racket
(require mode-lambda

(define fish-bm     (pict->bitmap (standard-fish  100 50)))
(define lantern-bm  (pict->bitmap (jack-o-lantern 100)))
(define flash-bm    (pict->bitmap (colorize (linewidth 5 (outline-flash 100
100)) "yellow")))


(define db (make-sprite-db))
(add-sprite!/bm db 'fish    (λ() fish-bm))
(add-sprite!/bm db 'lantern (λ() lantern-bm))
(add-sprite!/bm db 'flash   (λ() flash-bm))
(define cdb (compile-sprite-db db))
(define fish-idx    (sprite-idx cdb 'fish))
(define lantern-idx (sprite-idx cdb 'lantern))
(define flash-idx   (sprite-idx cdb 'flash))

(define W 400)
(define H 400)
(define W/2 (/ W 2.))
(define H/2 (/ H 2.))

(define bgl (layer W/2 H/2))    ; background: layer 0
(define ml  (layer W/2 H/2))    ; middle:     layer 1
(define fgl (layer W/2 H/2))    ; foreground: layer 2
(define lc (vector bgl ml fgl)) ; layer config


(define fish-sprite    (sprite 200. 200. fish-idx    #:layer 0)) ;
(define lantern-sprite (sprite 250. 200. lantern-idx #:layer 1)) ; middle
(define flash-sprite   (sprite 250. 200. flash-idx   #:layer 2)) ;

(define rendering-states->draw (stage-draw/dc cdb W H 3))

(define static (list fish-sprite lantern-sprite))
(define (paint-canvas c dc)
  (define dynamic (list flash-sprite))
  (define draw (rendering-states->draw lc static dynamic))
  (match/values (send c get-scaled-client-size)
    [(w h) (draw w h dc)]))

(define glc  (new gl-config%))
(send glc set-legacy? #f)
(define f    (new frame% [label "Hello"] [width W] [height H]))
(define c    (new canvas%
                  [parent f]
                  [gl-config glc]
                  [style '(no-autoclear gl)]
                  [paint-callback paint-canvas]))
(send f show #t)

2016-12-28 16:20 GMT+01:00 Jay McCarthy <>:

> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard
> <> wrote:
> > That example is quite involved. It doesn't show how to get things going
> > without using chaos.
> I suggest looking at lux/chaos/gui for how to get a canvas.
> > If I use (require mode-lambda/backend/gl) instead of (require
> > mode-lambda/backend/software)
> > and use a bitmap with gl backing like this:
> >
> >     (define draw (rendering-states->draw lc (list fish-sprite
> > lantern-sprite) (list  flash-sprite)))
> >     (define glc  (new gl-config%))
> >     (define bm   (make-gl-bitmap W H glc))
> >     (define dc   (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bm]))
> >     (draw W H dc)
> >     bm
> >
> > Then I get this error:
> >
> >     GL context changed
> >     OpenGL error in procedure glGetString: Error code 1286.
> >
> That error means "Unsupported framebuffer format". I'd have to know a
> lot more about your environment to debug. One thing to note is that
> the default gl-config% is a legacy one that isn't support by
> mode-lambda.
> Jay
> > This is still in DrRacket.
> >
> >
> > 2016-12-28 2:03 GMT+01:00 Jay McCarthy <>:
> >>
> >> What you have is fine, but you need to give it a DC where
> >> get-gl-context doesn't return false. (Such as by making a canvas with
> >> the 'gl style.) In addition, you do NOT want a legacy context.
> >>
> >> I recommend looking at the example code:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> master/mode-lambda/examples/one.rkt
> >>
> >> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard
> >> <> wrote:
> >> > Hi All,
> >> >
> >> > I am experimenting with mode-lambda. The example below
> >> > shows how to draw sprites on different layers using the software
> >> > backend.
> >> > However I would like to try the gl backend instead.
> >> >
> >> > What is the correct incantation?
> >> >
> >> > /Jens Axel
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > #lang racket
> >> > (require mode-lambda
> >> >          mode-lambda/static
> >> >          mode-lambda/text/static
> >> >          mode-lambda/text/runtime
> >> >          mode-lambda/color
> >> >          ; mode-lambda/backend/gl
> >> >          mode-lambda/backend/software
> >> >          racket/draw
> >> >          racket/gui/base
> >> >          pict
> >> >          pict/flash)
> >> >
> >> > ;;;
> >> > ;;; BITMAPS
> >> > ;;;
> >> > (define fish-bm     (pict->bitmap (standard-fish  100 50)))
> >> > (define lantern-bm  (pict->bitmap (jack-o-lantern 100)))
> >> > (define flash-bm    (pict->bitmap (colorize (linewidth 5
> (outline-flash
> >> > 100
> >> > 100)) "yellow")))
> >> >
> >> > ;;;
> >> > ;;; SPRITES
> >> > ;;;
> >> >
> >> > (define db (make-sprite-db))
> >> > (add-sprite!/bm db 'fish    (λ() fish-bm))
> >> > (add-sprite!/bm db 'lantern (λ() lantern-bm))
> >> > (add-sprite!/bm db 'flash   (λ() flash-bm))
> >> > (define cdb (compile-sprite-db db))
> >> > (define fish-idx    (sprite-idx cdb 'fish))
> >> > (define lantern-idx (sprite-idx cdb 'lantern))
> >> > (define flash-idx   (sprite-idx cdb 'flash))
> >> >
> >> > ;;;
> >> > ;;; LAYERS
> >> > ;;;
> >> > (define W 400)
> >> > (define H 400)
> >> > (define W/2 (/ W 2.))
> >> > (define H/2 (/ H 2.))
> >> >
> >> > (define bgl (layer W/2 H/2))    ; background: layer 0
> >> > (define ml  (layer W/2 H/2))    ; middle:     layer 1
> >> > (define fgl (layer W/2 H/2))    ; foreground: layer 2
> >> > (define lc (vector bgl ml fgl)) ; layer config
> >> >
> >> > ;;;
> >> > ;;; RUNTIME
> >> > ;;;
> >> >
> >> > (define fish-sprite    (sprite 200. 200. fish-idx    #:layer 0)) ;
> >> > background
> >> > (define lantern-sprite (sprite 250. 200. lantern-idx #:layer 1)) ;
> >> > middle
> >> > (define flash-sprite   (sprite 250. 200. flash-idx   #:layer 2)) ;
> >> > foreground
> >> >
> >> > (define rendering-states->draw (stage-draw/dc cdb W H 3)) ; XXX
> change 3
> >> > to
> >> > 2 and get a crash
> >> >
> >> > (define draw (rendering-states->draw lc (list fish-sprite
> >> > lantern-sprite)
> >> > (list  flash-sprite)))
> >> > (define bm   (make-object bitmap% W H))
> >> > (define dc   (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bm]))
> >> > (draw W H dc)
> >> > bm
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> > Groups
> >> > "Racket Users" group.
> >> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> >> > an
> >> > email to
> >> > For more options, visit
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Jay McCarthy
> >> Associate Professor
> >> PLT @ CS @ UMass Lowell
> >>
> >>
> >>            "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
> >>       for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
> >> And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
> >>                           - D&C 64:33
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Jens Axel Søgaard
> >
> --
> Jay McCarthy
> Associate Professor
> PLT @ CS @ UMass Lowell
>            "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
>       for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
> And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
>                           - D&C 64:33

Jens Axel Søgaard

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