* Remember that, although Racket is rich with various kinds of namespaces, documentation lookup for the core Racket and add-on packages really prefer that names are mostly unique globally. (I won't get into readability tradeoffs, for various use cases that come up.) See thread "http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev/archive/2014-July/014456.html";.

* For one of numerous examples of what I currently think is usually-good-enough naming practice in reusable Racket packages, see "http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/roomba/";, which works the package name into every public identifier, while remaining fairly English-verbs-and-nouns-readable. (Even though, in the particular case of a package of Roomba commands, we could make a good argument that they should be shorter and more generic, since one obvious audience is young children doing Logo-ish programming. I decided that's probably not a good enough argument, and if we wanted that, that particular use wants to be a "#lang". Which documentation searches and readability can and should really handle differently.)

* Exporting both prefixed and non-prefixed identifiers from a package pollutes the global documentation namespace.

* I think the original question might have also been asking about the exact character forms of names from FFI, not just whether prefixed. One convenient accident of naming convention differences between C and Racket (e.g., underscores), when doing FFI, is that we can usually use the C names in Racket, internally, for procedures with the most bare FFI wrappers. That leaves the idiomatic Racket names for the exposed interface, which might also layer small safeties and other features. And not exporting the non-Racket-idiomatic C names from Racket packages avoids messing up the readability of all code that uses the packages.

* (One argument *against* using Racket idiomatic names for a big API, such as OpenGL, is that sometimes you might really want to make the names look like the C ones, such as for people copying large masses of example code. I'm not going to try to tackle that discussion at this time, but will just note that transliterating some small OpenGL code samples a long time ago was not a big deal "http://www.neilvandyke.org/opengl-plt/";.)

* I can't resist the opportunity to reiterate one naming convention plea: Don't use uppercase identifiers for "constants" in Racket. It was that way in K&R C because people used the really linguistically nasty macro preprocessor for constants (among other purposes). Then someone started using the same thing for some better form of constants in ANSI C and C++, making the terrible mistake of thinking that names of constants should be uppercase in C/C++ code. (Then Java picked it up, as one of its many attempts to appeal to the small pool of technical and embedded systems programmers, which was funny, because all those C accidents of implementation convenience from the 1970s were then forced on the less-technical MIS-type programmers who overwhelmingly took over Java, and who never had any need for things to look like cryptic C.) The uppercase is hard to type, visually misleading regarding importance, and a very poor use of a visually powerful mechanism. I think that the best use of upper-case names in Racket is for pattern variables in syntax transformers, to stand out amongst fragments of code. Using uppercase for constants compromises that.

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