Le vendredi 3 février 2017 11:28:47 UTC+1, Laurent Orseau a écrit :
> I see. So basically all #% things are extension points?
> The list for the racket language:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/search/index.html?q=%23%25%20L%3Aracket 

I think #% just means "low-level".
* #%declare,  #%expression, #%require, #%provide and #%variable-reference are 
built-in forms with special meanings, and it does not really make sense to 
override them.
* #lang racket/base overrides #%app, and re-provides the original as 
#%plain-app, so it is just an alias for the #%app from the '#%kernel. The same 
goes for #%plain-lambda.
* #%app, #%datum, #%module-begin, #%top and #%top-interaction are extension 
points (for function calls, self-quoting data, handling the body of the entire 
module, unbound variables and REPL interactions, respectively)
* I'm not 100% sure if #%stratified-body, #%plain-module-begin and 
#%printing-module-begin can be overridden in a useful way or not.

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