On 02/08/2017 04:41 PM, Dan Liebgold wrote:
Hi all -

I have an odd syntax I'm trying to maintain backward compatibility with, but 
I'd like to take advantage of keyword parameters to accommodate the 
presence/absence/ordering of those parameters.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: http://pasterack.org/pastes/88615

Can you think of a better way to translate the syntax to function application?  
Note that I must do a little processing of the parameters in my syntax 
(represented here by the multiplications).

There are two problems in your macro. First, the arguments to `keyword-apply` are expressions, so you need to turn your sequences of keywords and keyword arguments into list-valued expressions. Something like this:

  '(s.key ...)  ;; quote okay because keys are literals, not exprs
  (list s.value ...)   ;; must use list, not quote

Second, `keyword-apply` also requires its arguments to be sorted; so you would have to do something like this:

  (define-syntax (test-syntax stx)

    (define-splicing-syntax-class spec
      #:datum-literals (:a :b :c)
      (pattern (~seq :a n:number)
               #:attr key '#:a    ;; not syntax, just keyword
               #:attr value #'n)
      (pattern (~seq :b n:number)
               #:attr key '#:b    ;; likewise
               #:attr value #'(* 2 n))
      (pattern (~seq :c n:number)
               #:attr key '#:c    ;; likewise
               #:attr value #'(* 4 n))

    (syntax-parse stx
      ([_ s:spec ...]
       (define unsorted  ;; (Listof (cons Keyword Syntax))
         (map cons (attribute s.key) (attribute s.value)))
       (define sorted (sort unsorted keyword<? #:key car))
       (with-syntax ([((kw . kwarg) ...) sorted])
            '(kw ...)
            (list kwarg ...)

Or you can reuse Racket's `#%app` to do the keyword sorting for you. The `template` form and its `?@` splicing support makes this more convenient:

  (require (for-syntax syntax/parse/experimental/template))
  (define-syntax (test-syntax stx)

    (define-splicing-syntax-class spec
      .... as in your original version ....)

    (syntax-parse stx
      ([_ s:spec ...]
        (test (?@ s.key s.value) ...)))))


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