On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Angus <anguscom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a beginner Racket developer by the way.
> Here is my maxval function which is supposed to take a list and return the 
> largest integer in the list.
>  (define (maxval lst)
>    (define (aux lst max)
>      (cond [(null? lst)  max]
>            [(car lst) > max (aux (cdr lst) (car lst))]

Right here ^^^ you're trying to use `>` as an infix operator, but
that's not how Racket syntax works. What you want is:

     [(> (car lst) max) <...>]

The way you wrote it, it means: "If the first element of `lst` isn't
#f, then evaluate `>` for side-effects (which does nothing), then
evaluate `max` for side-effects (which does nothing), then return the
value of `(aux (cdr lst) (car lst))`."

>            [#t (aux (cdr lst) max)]))

Preferred Racket style is to use `else` here instead of `#t`.

- Jon

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