On Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 3:04:20 PM UTC-7, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> On 5/3/17 10:41 PM, Eric Griffis wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm having trouble catching "terminate break" exceptions when combining 
> > break-thread with thread-wait.
> >
> > MWE 1:
> >
> >   (with-handlers ([exn:break:terminate? writeln])
> >     (let ([t (thread (lambda () (thread-wait (current-thread))))])
> >       (break-thread t 'terminate)
> >       (thread-wait t)))
> Threads do not inherit exception handlers. You need to move the 
> `with-handlers` to the new thread:
>    (let ([t (thread (lambda ()
>                       (with-handlers ([exn:break:terminate? writeln])
>                         (thread-wait (current-thread)))))])
>      (break-thread t 'terminate)
>      (thread-wait t))
> Except that isn't quite right either, because , the main thread might 
> (very likely) send the break to `t` before `t` is ready to catch it. So 
> we need some additional synchronization:
>    (define t-ready (make-semaphore 0))
>    (let ([t (thread (lambda ()
>                       (with-handlers ([exn:break:terminate? writeln])
>                         (semaphore-post t-ready)
>                         (thread-wait (current-thread)))))])
>      (semaphore-wait t-ready)
>      (break-thread t 'terminate)
>      (thread-wait t))
> That version should reliably print out the break exception.
> Ryan

Got it. I had with-handlers inside the thread at first, but got the same 
result. A simple test showed clearly that the thread was not ready to catch the 
break, hence my attempt to extract with-handlers. The semaphore did the trick, 

The big lesson (for me) here is that exceptions inside a thread do not "bubble 
up" to the parent. This was not obvious (to me) from the docs.

My code is now behaving predictably. Thanks, Ryan.


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