Doing people's homework are we?

On 5/17/2017 8:08 PM, Matthew Butterick wrote:
`slice-at` <>

On May 17, 2017, at 3:56 PM, Don Green < <>> wrote:

Racket code that could perform this list manipulation?
(every-n-lists-into-list <n-lists-to-group> '(<in-list>))
(every-n-lists-into-list 1 '((1) (2))) ;=> '(((1) (2)))
(every-n-lists-into-list 2 '((1) (2) (3) (4))) ;=> '(((1) (2)) ((3) (4)))
(every-n-lists-into-list 3 '((1) (2) (3) (4)) (5) (6))) ;=> '(((1) (2) (3)) ((4) (5) (6)))

Very nice! Unfortunately, the existence of sugar was unknown to me until just now. More evidence that one can spend a lifetime learning what batteries Racket already has included.

My 1st thought was to use split-at:

#lang racket
(define (group-items n items)

  ;; check # of items
  (unless (= 0 (modulo (length items) n))
    (error "not enough items"))

  ;; split and reassemble
  (let loop [
             (items  items)
             (result '())
    (if [null? items]
        (reverse result)
        (let-values [((head tail)(split-at items n))]
          (loop tail (cons head result)))


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