> On Jun 25, 2017, at 12:25 PM, Matthew Butterick <m...@mbtype.com> wrote:
> How does one attach a generic interface to a class?
> `class*` allows one to attach an `interface` [2] (in the class sense of that 
> term, which I understand is separate from that of "generic interface"). 
> Then the docs for `interface*` show an example attaching the 
> `prop:custom-write` property. [3] But the docs for `prop:custom-write` say 
> that it's deprecated, and one should "use `gen:custom-write`, instead" [4] 
> (that is, the generic-interface version this concept).
> Yet I when I put `gen:custom-write` into `interface*`, it triggers an 
> "illegal use of syntax" error.
> #lang racket
> (define i<%> (interface* () ([gen:custom-write
>                               (lambda (obj port mode) (void))])
>                method1 method2 method3))
> So I'm not clear whether I'm doing it wrong, or if `interface*` only works 
> with the (deprecated) property-based technique.

It's possible to do that with the private internal macros in 
"racket/private/generic-methods.rkt". If you don't mind using something that's 
supposed to be private and unstable, and if you don't mind things breaking if 
anything ever changes, you can use `generic-property` and 
`generic-method-table` like this:

#lang racket
(require racket/private/generic-methods)

(define i<%>
  (interface* ()
              ([(generic-property gen:custom-write)
                (generic-method-table gen:custom-write
                  (define (write-proc obj port mode)

However, it might be better for someone to make a pull request to update the 
`interface*` form to allow generic interfaces properly without the user needing 
these internal macros.

Alex Knauth

> [2] 
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/createinterface.html?q=class*#%28form._%28%28lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fclass-internal..rkt%29._interface%29%29
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/createinterface.html?q=class*#(form._((lib._racket/private/class-internal..rkt)._interface))>
> [3] 
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/createinterface.html?q=class*#%28form._%28%28lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fclass-internal..rkt%29._interface%2A%29%29
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/createinterface.html?q=class*#(form._((lib._racket/private/class-internal..rkt)._interface*))>
> [4] 
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Printer_Extension.html?q=class*#%28def._%28%28quote._~23~25kernel%29._prop~3acustom-write%29%29
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Printer_Extension.html?q=class*#(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._prop~3acustom-write))>

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