Use `convert-syntax-error` from the `syntax/macro-testing` module:


On 06/30/2017 04:47 PM, Sam Waxman wrote:

I'm trying to test whether or not certain programs result in syntax errors. For 
example the program

#lang racket

will result in an unbound identifier error, even before runtime (you'll see the 
little error message at the bottom because it errored in phase 1).

I know how to catch runtime errors, but I haven't been able to catch these 
expansion time errors as of yet. I've tried doing roughly the same thing as 
catching runtime errors, but with begin-for-syntax, but it hasn't been working 
out for me.

Ideally, I want a macro like

(return-syntax-error stuff-to-expand ...)

that will run stuff-to-expand, and if runs into a syntax error, for it to be caught and 
returned (as the error struct #<exn:fail:syntax *message* #<continuation mark>).

Any tips?

Many thanks in advance.

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