The reason why you are getting the source location from b.rkt is that
in `mk-data` you are getting the info from `stx`.  In this case, `stx`
is the filled-in template you get from `simple-data` in b.rkt.  The
pattern variables `name` and `x` are filled in with `unlucky` and `262`,
which do have location info from c.rkt.  But the parentheses, the
`mk-data` identifier, the quote around the `name` variable, and `42` all
have location info pointing back to b.rkt.  In this case, the outermost
piece of syntax corresponds to the whole list '(mk-data 'name x 42), so
you are getting the location of the parentheses.

In the `simple-data` macro you can copy that location info, and as others
have said, you can stuff it in a syntax property or put it on the new
syntax, or you can have the `mk-data` macro use the location info on
`name` or `y` rather than the info on `stx`.


(define-syntax (mk-data stx)
 (syntax-case stx ()
   [(_ name x y)
    #`(data-internal name x y (srcloc #,(syntax-source #'name))
                                      #,(syntax-line #'name)
                                      #,(syntax-column #'name)
                                      #,(syntax-position #'name)
                                      #,(syntax-span #'name)))]))

This gives you the location of just `name` rather than the whole
s-expression, which may or may not be what you actually want.

On Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 01:39:01PM -0700, reilithion wrote:
I'd like to be able to get source location information from behind two or more 
layers of macros.

I have a macro, call it mk-data, whose job it is to make an internal data 
structure. Among other things, it records a srcloc for later tracking. In 
another module, I have another macro whose job it is to specialize mk-data and 
present a simpler interface.

Unfortunately, the srcloc that gets stored ends up being the location of the 
simplifying macro. Not what I want. I need to somehow forward the srcloc of its 
use-location. Example follows:

#lang racket
(provide mk-data getloc)
(struct data-internal
 (name x y srcloc)
 #:guard (λ (n x y srcloc struct-name)
           (unless (real? x)
             (raise-argument-error 'data-internal "real?" x))
           (unless (real? y)
             (raise-argument-error 'data-internal "real?" y))
           (values n x y srcloc)))
(define-syntax (mk-data stx)
 (syntax-case stx ()
   [(_ name x y)
    #`(data-internal name x y (srcloc #,(syntax-source stx)
                                      #,(syntax-line stx)
                                      #,(syntax-column stx)
                                      #,(syntax-position stx)
                                      #,(syntax-span stx)))]))
(define (getloc d) (srcloc->string (data-internal-srcloc d)))

#lang racket
(provide simple-data)
(require "a.rkt")
(define-syntax (simple-data stx)
 (syntax-case stx ()
   [(_ name x)
    #'(mk-data 'name x 42)]))

#lang racket
(require "a.rkt" "b.rkt")
(getloc (simple-data unlucky 262))

I want the result in c.rkt to be "c.rkt:3:9" or so, rather than "b.rkt:7:7".
I realize I could probably make the simple-data macro in b.rkt a bit more 
sophisticated to help matters, but I'm really resisting doing so. There are 
going to be a lot of macros like simple-data, and some of them may be written 
by users, so I'd like to make it as simple as possible to make new ones. I'd 
rather change mk-data, even if it means making it significantly more complex. 
What's the best way to accomplish this?

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