On Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 7:41:05 PM UTC+5:30, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> In essence, TR’s local inference algorithm cannot determine the type of the 
> sequence you created. It is one of those cases where you need to help along 
> the type checker with the equivalent of an explicit type application: 
>  ((inst seq-first Integer) s1)
>  ((inst seq-rest Integer) s1)
> I have also taken the liberty to rewrite your code a bit. 
> #lang typed/racket
> (define-type (Seq a) (Object [first (-> a)] [rest (-> (Seq a))]))
> (: seq-first (All (a) (-> (Seq a) a)))
> (define (seq-first s) (send s first))
> (: seq-rest (All (a) (-> (Seq a) (Seq a))))
> (define (seq-rest s) (send s rest))
> (: make-seq (-> (Listof Integer) (Seq Integer)))
> (define (make-seq si)
>   (new (class object%
>          (field [data : (Listof Integer) si])
>          (: first (-> Integer))
>          (define/public (first)
>            (if (empty? data)
>                (error "Empty")
>                (car data)))
>          (: rest (-> (Seq Integer)))
>          (define/public (rest)
>            (if (empty? data)
>                (error "Empty")
>                (make-seq (cdr data))))
>          (super-new))
>        ))
> (define s1 (make-seq '(1 2 3 4)))
> (send s1 first)
> (send s1 rest)
> ((inst seq-first Integer) s1)
> ((inst seq-rest Integer) s1)
> On Jul 18, 2017, at 2:57 AM, Sourav Datta <soura...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am encountering a type checker error for the following program but not sure 
> exactly what is wrong with it. The program is as follows:
> #lang typed/racket
> (define-type (Seq a) (Object [first (-> a)]
>                                                [rest (-> (Seq a))]))
> (: seq-first (All (a) (-> (Seq a) a)))
> (define (seq-first s) (send s first))
> (: seq-rest (All (a) (-> (Seq a) (Seq a))))
> (define (seq-rest s) (send s rest))
> (: make-seq (-> (Listof Integer) (Seq Integer)))
> (define (make-seq si) (new (class object%
>                             (init-field [data : (Listof Integer) empty])
>                             (: first (-> Integer))
>                             (define/public (first)
>                               (if (empty? data)
>                                   (error "Empty")
>                                   (car data)))
>                             (: rest (-> (Seq Integer)))
>                             (define/public (rest)
>                               (if (empty? data)
>                                   (error "Empty")
>                                   (make-seq (cdr data))))
>                             (super-new))
>                           [data si]))
> This compiles fine. But calling seq-first or seq-rest on a specific instance 
> like (Seq Integer) fails to type check. Like below:
> (define s1 (make-seq '(1 2 3 4)))
> (send s1 first)
> - : Integer
> 1
> (send s1 rest)
> - : (Seq Integer)
> (object:unsaved-editor:15:27 ...)
> (seq-first s1)
> . Type Checker: Polymorphic function `seq-first' could not be applied to 
> arguments:
> Argument 1:
>  Expected: (Seq a)
>  Given:    (Seq Integer)
> in: (seq-first s1)
> (seq-rest s1)
> . Type Checker: Polymorphic function `seq-rest' could not be applied to 
> arguments:
> Argument 1:
>  Expected: (Seq a)
>  Given:    (Seq Integer)
> in: (seq-rest s1)
> So, the confusion here is, why a (All (a) (Seq a)) is incompatible with a 
> (Seq Integer)?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Thanks for pointing that out. What I was actually trying to accomplish was 
basically to create a generic sequence type that can be extended by users by 
just providing two methods `first` and `rest` and then implement a set of 
algorithms that may work generically on any sequence (Seq a) - sort of like 
std::algorithm and iterator protocols in C++. I also, looked into the 
discussions regarding generic operations in Typed Racket. I guess it's not yet 
available/supported fully in TR, is that correct? Also, is there any way of 
doing the same thing with objects/structs without actually knowing the type (or 
instantiating) of the data that is coming to seq-first/seq-rest?


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