On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 9:06:16 PM UTC+5:30, Ben Greenman wrote:
> Type inference is failing you again.

Yes, well, that seems to be a common theme whenever I hover around the these 
type of areas which are uncommon but works perfectly fine in untyped Racket.

> If you instantiate `foo/s`, you get the type you expect:
> #lang typed/racket
> (struct (a) Foo ([val : (-> a a)]))
> (: foo/s (All (a b)
>               (-> (-> a b)
>                   (-> (Foo a)
>                       (Foo b)
>                       (Foo b)))))
> (define (foo/s f)
>   (λ ([f1 : (Foo a)]
>       [f2 : (Foo b)])
>     f2))
> (define r1 (#{foo/s @ Integer String} (λ ([x : Integer]) (format "~a" x))))
> ;> r1
> ;- : (-> (Foo Integer) (Foo String) (Foo String))

Yes, that works fine. For my personal use it is good enough, but exporting that 
function as a library would require every user to annotate the type whenever 
they want to call it, even for very simple types - which is not a very good 
experience for a typed language.

> I wouldn't call this a bug, but it's definitely a program that a better type 
> inferencer should accept.

In other cases where type inference fails, the compiler bails out with an error 
(even though that is a confusing one like `expected: (Seq a) given: (Seq 
Integer)`). But here:

1. The inference did not fail but assumed it's Nothing just because I changed 
the function signature from (-> a) to (-> a a). I can't understand why the 
inference fails for this change. And on top of this,

2. The function type is clearly specified as (-> (Foo a) (Foo b) (Foo b)) and 
it can unify a = Integer, b = String, from the first argument alone. So, even 
though a is Integer, it still produces a = Nothing, without a compile error. 
Integer =/= Nothing. Seems very close to a bug in the type deduction algorithm.

> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 5:19 AM, Sourav Datta <soura...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Consider this program,
> #lang typed/racket
> (struct (a) Foo ([val : (-> a)]))
> (: foo/s (All (a b)
>               (-> (-> a b)
>                   (-> (Foo a)
>                       (Foo b)
>                       (Foo b)))))
> (define (foo/s f)
>   (λ ([f1 : (Foo a)]
>       [f2 : (Foo b)])
>     f2))
> (define r1 (foo/s (λ ([x : Integer]) (format "~a" x))))
> The type of r1 is correctly deduced as:
> - : (-> (Foo Integer) (Foo String) (Foo String))
> #<procedure>
> However, if I slightly change the struct Foo and do the same, like this:
> #lang typed/racket
> (struct (a) Foo ([val : (-> a a)]))
> (: foo/s (All (a b)
>               (-> (-> a b)
>                   (-> (Foo a)
>                       (Foo b)
>                       (Foo b)))))
> (define (foo/s f)
>   (λ ([f1 : (Foo a)]
>       [f2 : (Foo b)])
>     f2))
> (define r1 (foo/s (λ ([x : Integer]) (format "~a" x))))
> Now, r1 has this type:
> - : (-> (Foo Nothing) (Foo String) (Foo String))
> #<procedure>
> Surprisingly (Foo Integer) has changed to (Foo Nothing)! Is this a possible 
> bug in the type system? Or, may be I'm missing something?
> Thanks!
> --
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