Hello dear Racketeers,

I have been writing an implementation of the MessagePack protocol for Racket
and I think the library is ready to be showcased now:

https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/MsgPack.rkt <https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/MsgPack.rkt>

### What is MessagePack? ###

MessagePack is a binary data serialisation format. The website describes it
"like JSON but fast and small". Unlike JSON the goal is not a format that's
human-readable, but one that can be very quickly serialised, transported and

http://msgpack.org/ <http://msgpack.org/>

### About the Racket implementation ###

My goal was to keep everything as simple as possible: there are only two
functions: pack and unpack. If there is more than one way of packing an object
the smallest format is selected automatically. Here is a taste:

   (require msgpack/pack msgpack/unpack)
   ;;; A wild hodgepodge to pack
   (define vec #(1 2 "hello" '(3 4) '() #t))
   ;;; A byte string of packed data
   (define packed
     (call-with-output-bytes (λ (out) (pack vec out))))
   ;;; Unpack the data again
   (define upacked
     (call-with-input-bytes packed (λ (in) (unpack in))))

As you can see, data is packed to and unpacked from a binary port. I think this
is better than packing/unpacking to binary string because MessagePack is
primarily used for inter-process communication, so there is not much point in
keeping the packed data inside a process.

I'd appreciate it a lot if a seasoned Racketeer could take a look at my code,
in particular if the library is set up properly (the info.rkt files), this is
my first time doing something in Racket. I am also open to suggestions about
the API, I haven't committed to version 1.0 yet. In particular, I am not
familiar with the modularity conventions of Racket libraries, i.e. if it is OK
to have 'msgpack/pack' and 'msgpack/unpack' or if everything should be covered
by one large 'provide' from 'msgpack'? There is one new type 'ext' declared,
should that be part of 'msgpack' or should I move it to 'msgpack/types'

On a related note, I find it really annoying that 'integer->integer-bytes' and
'integer-bytes->integer' do not support 8-bit integers. Is there a reason for
that? I had to write all sorts of ugly extra code for the 8-bit cases. I opened
an issue on GitHub about it (#1754).

### What's next? ###

Once the API settles I would like to move the library to typed Racket. I would
also like to submit it to the Racket packages catalog. The reason I wrote this
library is because I want to eventually write a Racket API client for Neovim:

https://github.com/neovim/neovim <https://github.com/neovim/neovim>

Neovim is a fork of Vim which aims to stay backwards compatible with Vim, but
at the same time bring the code base to modern standards, add long-wanted
features and make the editor easier to extend. They have already done a lot of
work, such asynchronous job control, a built-in terminal emulator, Lua
scripting and in particular a remote API.

The remote API allows one to write plugins in any language, provided there is a
client for that language. In contrast, Vim has to be compiled with support for
additional scripting languages and the integration burden was on the Vim
developers. This meant that popular languages like Python would be pretty well
supported, but more obscure languages were practically useless because no one
would re-compile their Vim just for one plugin. The remote API approach means
that Racket integration can be de-coupled from the editor development, and we
can write plugins that can make use of Racket libraries. One could for example
implement some of the DrRacket features using DrRacket as a library instead of
re-inventing the wheel. It would also be possible to integrate Neovim inside
DrRacket or write a Neovim GUI in Racket (GUIs are just very complex plugins in

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