WRT mobile, maybe someone could port LambdaNative to Racket:

= Eric MacAdie

On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 6:53 PM, Neil Van Dyke <n...@neilvandyke.org> wrote:
> Two things to add to my comments from early this morning...
> * For servers, a nice don't-have-to-roll-your-own option sometimes is the
> Racket core Web Server.  I found it and SXML-ish HTML generation very
> productive for rapidly making an internal-use technical app -- probably more
> productive in that case than any other platform I could think of.  (For a
> prominent research organization, I'd developed specialized Web crawling and
> heavy scraping in Racket, to build a large text&metadata corpus database,
> and then I made a Web app for browsing the database and tagging it with
> semantic annotations.)  The Racket core Web Server also has an optional
> continuation-based state mode, which could be another one of those
> linguistic wins I mentioned.  What I haven't evaluated is how that performs
> at scale.
> Of the two biggest Web servers atop Racket that I know of,
> news.ycombinator.com might still implement HTTP directly atop a socket
> (presumably with something in front), and a non-public family of Web servers
> has its own layers atop "http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/scgi/"; (I'd
> actually made the `scgi` package with a particular user in mind, to help
> them migrate a big legacy CGI(!) application smoothly).
> * I mentioned linguistic properties as the reason one might use Racket for
> general industry use.  Another thing I've mentioned before is fuzzier: the
> developer community.  Racket attracts a small but strong mix of developers
> and researchers, and the culture is to welcome and knowledgeably help out
> others.  Do a quick Web search, then just ask your question on the email
> list, and you might get the actual developers or another expert responding.
> By contrast, I was a very early Java developer (I first saw it when it was
> called Oak, I advocated Java for real application development, and my first
> apps required me to write even basic GUI widgets from scratch), but, after
> the "enterprise" popularity surge, there came a time when any Web search I
> tried about a Java question just turned up an impassably vast wasteland of
> people who didn't know what they were talking about.  (Of course there are
> now small oases to be found, but it's tricky.)
> Racket doesn't have that curse of popularity and ecology of many levels of
> commercial jockeying. :)  I'd prefer more industry opportunity with Racket,
> but I'd like that to happen without compromising the caliber of the
> community much.  For general industry use, community support isn't the top
> selling point, but I think most engineers and at least some MBAs would
> consider it to have significant real value.
> --
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