On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 13:04:36 -0700 (PDT), Zelphir Kaltstahl
<zelphirkaltst...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I tried with feature-visualizer, but did not save screenshots of 
>the result. Would it help showing them? I was not able to figure
>out the problem, even when clicking the red dots to see what is
>blocking. It made no sense to me, that those operations were

Believe me, I don't understand it very much better.  I rarely use
futures ... a long time ago I came to the conclusion that pretty much
anything other than pure arithmetic or logic is suspect.

>However, I tried a lot of things and don't remember what procedures
>were blocking in which case. I remember, that I once tried to use
>flonum operations and that even they were shown to be blocking,
>while they solved the problem in the guide for parallelization in Racket.

One thing you can try is using 'would-be-future' instead of 'future'.

'would-be-future' is a debugging form - it creates a pseudo future
that won't be executed in parallel, but when evaluated it logs unsafe
operations that might cause it to block if the evaluation _were_ done
in parallel.
[As long as you don't force [touch] it ... to get the logging you have
to let it be evaluated by the future mechanism AS IF it were a real


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