So there's at least 7 of us around UK/Germany/France/Netherlands that
are active on the mailing list.  What would we need at a European
Rackeeteers Meeting to ensure that *at least* all 7 of us would travel
to it ?

@Matthias - it'd be fantastic if we could arrange something in London or
Oxford.  I'm just getting back from Salone this week and wasn't planning
on making to ICFP, but I'll see if I can help organize something.  Can
you sure your itinerary ?

On 08/23/2017 11:13 AM, 'Paulo Matos' via Racket Users wrote:
> On 22/08/17 16:20, Daniel Brunner wrote:
>> Hey Matthew,
>> I live in Germany and use Racket for teaching students, teaching our
>> apprentices (dual education system in Germany) and use it "in
>> production" for some tasks.
> In Germany as well - Nuernberg to be precise. I learned Racket back in
> version 53 - that was something around 1999. On and off for a few years
> and now I am using in commercially in my own company.
> Happy to join a European Racket gathering.
> Paulo Matos
>> Best wishes,
>> Daniel
>> Am 22.08.2017 um 15:15 schrieb Matthew Eric Bassett:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Gutted I can't make it to RacketCon this year.  Really glad to see it
>>> growing.
>>> Question for y'all - how many Racketeers are active on this side of the
>>> Atlantic?  Enough for a specific get-together over here?  Or are there
>>> already appropriate venues for that that I'm unaware of (I am already
>>> familiar with the European lisp symposium)
>>> Best,

Matthew Eric Bassett |

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