Hi everyone,

I'm writing a macro-generating macro where the generated macro uses
`syntax-parse`, and I can't figure out how to work with attributes using
the dot syntax where the base identifier is generated by the outer macro.

For example, consider the following macro:

(define-syntax example-macro
    [(_ (~alt (~optional (~seq #:a (~var a
                                         (expr/c #'symbol?)))
                         #:defaults ([a.c #''default-a]))
              (~optional (~seq #:b (~var b
                                         (expr/c #'string?)))
                         #:defaults ([b.c #'"default-b"])))
     #`(list a.c b.c)]))

I have a macro like `example-macro`, but more complicated and with many,
many more potential keyword arguments, so I wanted to write a macro that
would let me define `example-macro` with a more declarative syntax, like

(define-example-macro/working generated-example-macro
  [#:a 'default-a symbol?]
  [#:b "default-b" string?])

My initial attempt looked something like this:

(define-syntax (define-example-macro/buggy stx)
  (define-syntax-class arg-clause
    (pattern [kw:keyword default:expr contract:expr]))
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ name clause:arg-clause ...+)
     ;#:with (arg ...) (generate-temporaries #'(clause.kw ...))
     ;#:with (arg.c ...) (generate-temporaries #'(clause.kw ...))
     #`(define-syntax name
           [(_ (~alt (~optional
                      (~seq clause.kw (~var arg (expr/c #'clause.contract)))
                      #:defaults ([arg.c #'clause.default]))
               (... ...))
            #`(list arg.c ...)]))]))

which raises a syntax error "syntax: no pattern variables before ellipsis
in template".

The problem seems to be that `arg.c` is not recognized as a pattern
variable derived from `arg`. I tried several variants on this, none of
which allowed me to refer to `arg.c`. For example, if I uncomment the two
`#:with` lines, I get the error "~optional: attribute bound in defaults but
not in pattern".

I eventually figured out a tricky way to avoid using dotted attributes
altogether (see below), but it's rather less elegant than the non-working
way. I am hoping there is a way to generate the right identifier for
`arg.c` somehow.


(define-syntax (define-example-macro/working stx)
  (define-syntax-class arg-clause
    (pattern [kw:keyword default:expr contract:expr]
             #:with arg (generate-temporary #'kw)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ name clause:arg-clause ...+)
     #:with add-contract (generate-temporary 'add-contract)
     #:with (unsyntax-arg.c ...)
     #`(#,@(for/list ([arg-stx (in-list (syntax-e #'(clause.arg ...)))]
                      [contract-stx (in-list (syntax-e #'(clause.contract
             (with-syntax ([arg arg-stx]
                           [contract contract-stx])
               #'#,(add-contract #'arg #'contract))))
     #`(define-syntax (name inner-stx)
         (define (add-contract arg-stx contract-stx [err-name "name goes
           (syntax-parse arg-stx
              #:declare the-arg (expr/c contract-stx
                                        #:name err-name
                                        #:macro #'name)
         (syntax-parse inner-stx
           [(_ (~alt (~optional
                      (~seq clause.kw clause.arg)
                      #:defaults ([clause.arg #'clause.default]))
               (... ...))
            #`(list unsyntax-arg.c ...)]))]))

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