
how do i access the pattern variable var at compile time (phase 1?)
additional to an answer, could you point me to the right part of the 
documentation? i really couldn't find it.

#lang racket
(define inp (open-input-string "12+34"))

(define-syntax (terminal stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ name rx)
     (if (pregexp? (syntax->datum #'rx))
         #'(define (name)
             (regexp-try-match rx inp))
         #'(error "Pregexp expected.")))))

(define-syntax (prod stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ prod-name (name var))
     (cond ((procedure? (syntax->datum #'var)) #'1)
           ((procedure? #'var) #'2)
           ((procedure? 'var) #'2)
           ((procedure? #''var) #'3)
           ((procedure? #''var) #'4)
           ((procedure? (syntax 'var)) #'5)
           ((pregexp? #'var) #'0)
           (else #'(raise-syntax-error 'PROD-ARGUMENTS "Pregexp oder 
Procedure expected."))))))

(terminal digit #px"\\d")
(prod term (op1 digit))

thanks for your help! :-)

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