The following function with its contract will crash because when composing 
the range (P x), the seal around x is already unwrapped:
(define/contract f
  (parametric->/c (α) (->i ([x α]
                            [P (α . -> . contract?)]
                            [f (P) (->i ([x α]) (_ (x) (P x)))])
                           (_ (P x) (P x))))
  (λ (x P f) (f x)))
(f 42 (λ _ string?) number->string)

; f: broke its own contract
;   promised: α
;   produced: 42
;   in: the 1st argument of
;       the P argument of
;       (parametric->/c
;        (α)
;        (->i
;         ((x α)
;          (P (-> α contract?))
;          (f (P) (->i ... ...)))
;         (_ (P x) (P x))))

Is it possible to express this kind of enforcement using parametric 
contracts? (For example, a contract that enforces something similar to the 
type of a generated induction principle for a datatype in a proof assistant)

It's possible to construct a term of a corresponding type in a dependently 
typed language:
example: ∀ {α : Type}
           (x: α)
           (P: α → Type)
           (f: (∀ (x: α), P x)),
           (P x) :=
assume _ x _ f, f x

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