> OK, doing racket -l errortrace -t <prog> as suggested in
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/errortrace/quick-instructions.html helps.

The equivalent in racket-mode is to set `racket-error-context` to `'high`:




The level of context used for racket-run error stack traces.

Each level improves stack trace information, but causes your program
to run more slowly.

- 'low corresponds to compile-context-preservation-enabled #f.

- 'medium corresponds to compile-context-preservation-enabled #t,
which disables some optimizations like inlining.

- 'high corresponds to compile-context-preservation-enabled #t and to
use of errortrace, which heavily instruments your code and therefore
may be significantly slower.

Tip: Regardless of this setting, you can enable 'high errortrace for a
specific racket-run using a C-u prefix. This lets you normally run
with a faster setting, and temporarily re-run to get a more-helpful
error message.

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