
In a similar comment to my previous thread, I am yet again surprised at


#lang racket

(provide (struct-out foo))

(struct foo (a b)


#lang racket

(require "a.rkt")

(place-message-allowed? (foo 1 2))

This works! However, try to provide in a.rkt foo like this:
(provide (contract-out (struct foo ((a integer?)
                                    (b integer?)))))

Suddenly you get:

Here's the even more confusing part:
(define-values (pch1 pch2) (place-channel))
(place-channel-put pch1 (foo 1 2))

This will result in:
place-channel-put: value not allowed in a message
  value: '#s(foo 1 2)
  message: '#s(foo 1 2)

This will drive you mad because if you copy the message textual
(place-channel-put pch1 '#s(foo 1 2))

then it works.

What's the reason for this discrepancy? There's no mentioning of
#:prefab in contract-out documentation.


Paulo Matos

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