The "traditional" way of doing this in other languages and GUI toolkits is 
have a separate class for each of your panes (Books, Users and Rentals).  
constructor would receive the parent widget and other initialization
parameters (e.g. a database connection). Something like this:

    ;; books-panel.rkt
    (define books-panel%
      (class object%
        (init-field parent)

        (define books-panel (new vertical-panel% [parent parent]))
        (define books-table (new list-view% [parent books-pane]))
        (define books-buttons-pane (new horizontal-pane% [parent 
        (define add-button (new button% [parent books-buttons-pane]))
        (define remove-button (new button% [parent books-buttons-pane]))
        (define rent-button (new button% [parent books-buttons-pane]))

        ;; other books panel init code and specific callbacks here

    (provide books-panel%)

    ;; main.rkt
    (require "books-panel.rkt")
    (define main-window (new frame% [label "Library"]))
    (define main-tab-view (new tab-panel% [parent main-window]))

    (define books-panel (new books-panel% [parent main-tab-view]))

I found this approach to work well in Racket.  One big advantage of doing it
like this is that you can work independently on the sub components without
having to recompile / start the entire application -- this becomes important
once your application starts to reach a non trivial size.  For example, if 
want to just work on the books-panel% object, you could create a simple
scratch file:

    ;; scratch.rkt
    (require "books-panel.rkt")
    (define main-window (new frame% [label "Library"]))
    (define books-panel (new books-panel% [parent main-window]))

Which would just load that component, resulting in a faster edit-compile-run

Best Regards,

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