On 03/27/2018 10:01 PM, Justin Pombrio wrote:
I'm surprised by the behavior of using a pattern variable under one set of ellipses in the pattern, and under two sets of ellipses in the template:

#lang racket

(require(for-syntax syntax/parse))

(define-syntax (test stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (x y ...)...)#''(top (list (x y) ...) ...)]))

(test (a 123)
(b 456)
(c 789))

I would expect this to produce:

'(top (list (a 1) (a 2) (a 3))
       (list (b 4) (b 5) (b 6))
       (list (c 7) (c 8) (c 9)))

But instead, it produces:

'(top (list (a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
       (list (a 4) (b 5) (c 6))
       (list (a 7) (b 8) (c 9)))

I'm surprised by this for two reasons:
- What I thought was the obvious implementation for matching/substituting with ellipses produces the top answer.
- It breaks some properties that I would expect ellipses to have, such as:

(define-syntax-rule (test (P ...))(list Q ...))
(test (T1 T2))
(define-syntax-rule (test P P*)(list Q Q*))
(test T1 T2)

;forall patterns P andtemplates Q andterms T1 andT2,whereP*andQ*are a renamed version of P andQ.

This has extra parens or is missing dots or something. As it is, the top test takes 1 argument and the bottom test takes two.

Is this the expected behavior? And is there a good reason for it?

A variable must participate in as many of the implicit maps in the template as its ellipsis depth from the *pattern* (call that depth D). If it occurs at a greater depth in the template, there are three obvious choices: participate in the outermost D maps, participate in the innermost D maps, or reject the template. At some point, someone decided to go with the innermost maps.

It's actually more complicated that that, because a variable can occur at multiple depths in the same template. Consider this example:

  > (with-syntax ([(x ...) #'(1 2 3)])
      #'((x x ...) ...))
  #<syntax:2:4 ((1 1 2 3) (2 1 2 3) (3 1 2 3))>

Instead of the property you were expecting, you get the following property: If T is a "fully-saturated" template (all variables occur wrt T at a depth >= their binding depths), then T always produces the same output, even when you put it in a larger template with more ellipses.

I think it might have been helpful back in the R5RS days, when "portable" macros were limited to syntax-rules, and this decision made a very limited system slightly more flexible. (To clarify, I'm not sure that R5RS specified this behavior, but I think it was a common extension to syntax-rules, whereas with-syntax was not.)

Nowadays, I would rather rewrite the macro to use with-syntax than rely on this "feature". I've implemented it twice, and I still have to stop and think through it.


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