Thanks, that explanation helped.  I had gaps in my knowledge.

I also ended up daisy-chaining yet another submodule nested within the 
first, to require it both normally and for-template due to braid-shaped 
phase dependencies.  Nothing seems to have gone wrong.

On Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 5:54:54 PM UTC-4, Alexis King wrote:
> The short answer is that you need a (require (for-template racket/base)) 
> in your utilities submodule: 
>   (module utilities racket/base 
>     (provide compile-test) 
>     (require (for-template racket/base)) 
>     (define (compile-test) 
>       #`(lambda (i) (displayln `(input: ,i))))) 
> But this answer probably isn’t especially helpful towards debugging 
> similar problems in the future, so let me give a longer explanation. 
> Racket’s macro system has phases. Phase 0 corresponds to runtime, phase 
> 1 corresponds to phase 0’s compile-time, phase 2 corresponds to phase 
> 1’s compile-time, etc. This space of phases is unbounded. Each phase 
> contains a completely distinct set of bindings, so when you write, say, 
> `let` at phase 0, it isn’t necessarily the same `let` as the one you use 
> at phase 1. 
> The code you write in the body of a define-syntax definition is in phase 
> 1, since it is evaluated at compile-time. In your top-level module, you 
> use #lang racket, which happens to provide the bindings from racket/base 
> at both phase 0 and phase 1. This is why you can use `let` from 
> racket/base inside your this-works macro — it was provided at that phase 
> by #lang racket. The code in your template, in this case #`(lambda (i) 
> ....), ends up getting evaluated at runtime, so it uses the phase 0 
> bindings. 
> You might have already known all that, since your question is about the 
> utilities submodule, but I wanted to include that explanation for 
> context. This module is interesting, since you require it for-syntax in 
> your enclosing module. This has the effect of *shifting* the phases of 
> your utilities submodule, so its phase 0 ends up aligning with phase 1 
> of the enclosing module. Now, the language of this submodule is 
> racket/base, which provides bindings for `provide` and `define`, but 
> what about the code in the template? 
> Well, from the utilities module’s perspective, that code is actually 
> going to be evaluated one phase level below phase 0: phase -1! This 
> phase-shifting that happens when you import things for-syntax is why 
> negative phases are meaningful — even though phase -1 doesn’t really 
> make any sense in isolation, after the phase-shifting that the 
> for-syntax import causes, phase -1 becomes phase 0. 
> Racket manages all this complicated bookkeeping behind the scenes, so 
> you never need to worry about which *absolute* phase your code will be 
> used at. What you do need to worry about is which *relative* phase 
> pieces of code will end up at. In your utilities submodule, the `lambda` 
> identifier in the template will be evaluated at relative phase level -1, 
> so you need to ensure racket/base’s bindings are in scope at phase level 
> -1. This is what for-template does: it is like for-syntax, but it shifts 
> imports a phase level down instead of a phase level up. 
> (Note that (for-template (for-syntax ....)) is a no-op, since the shifts 
> cancel each other out. It may be educational to think about the 
> implications of this for your program.) 
> Alexis 
> > On May 8, 2018, at 16:00, Greg Rosenblatt < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi, I'm having trouble writing a syntax transformer that uses a 
> syntax-generating procedure defined elsewhere. 
> > 
> > When the procedure is defined locally, everything is fine. 
> > 
> > When the procedure is defined outside the transformer, I have to do a 
> dance to make the procedure visible at the right phase, which seems to 
> work.  However, upon use I get: 
> > 
> > > racket unbound-identifier.rkt 
> > unbound-identifier.rkt:9:7: lambda: unbound identifier; 
> >  also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound 
> >   context...: 
> >    #(1973 module unbound-identifier 0) #(2181 module) #(2811 macro) 
> #(2822 local) 
> >    #(2823 intdef) #(2824 module (unbound-identifier utilities) -1) 
> >   other binding...: 
> >    #<module-path-index:(racket)> 
> >    #(1972 module) #(1973 module unbound-identifier 0) 
> >   at: lambda 
> >   in: (lambda (i) (displayln (quasiquote (input: (unquote input))))) 
> >   context...: 
> >    standard-module-name-resolver 
> >   
> > 
> > I wrote this self-contained example using a submodule, but the error 
> also occurs when requiring the module from another file.  What am I doing 
> wrong?  I imagine it's something silly. 
> > 
> > 
> > #lang racket 
> > (provide this-works this-does-not-work) 
> > 
> > (module utilities racket/base 
> >   (provide compile-test) 
> > 
> >   (define (compile-test) 
> >     #`(lambda (i) (displayln `(input: ,input))))) 
> > 
> > (require (for-syntax 'utilities)) 
> > 
> > 
> > (define-syntax (this-works stx) 
> >   (syntax-case stx () 
> >     ((_ input) 
> >      (let () 
> >        (define (compile-test) 
> >          #`(lambda (i) (displayln `(input: ,input)))) 
> > 
> >        #`(#,(compile-test) input))))) 
> > 
> > (define-syntax (this-does-not-work stx) 
> >   (syntax-case stx () 
> >     ((_ input to-do ...) 
> >      (let () 
> > 
> >        #`(#,(compile-test) input))))) 
> > 
> > (this-works 3) 
> > (this-does-not-work 3) 

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