Hi folks,

I am becoming more converted to the way of structs vs hashes as time goes
on and so I sat down to write a macro that would generate functional
setters as a convenience.  Code is at bottom of email; I'd appreciate
suggestions on how to improve it, in particular better ways of handling
macros that have multiple optional parts, e.g.:

   (struct foo (bar baz jaz))
   (make-functional-setter foo bar)
   (make-functional-setter foo baz string?)
   (make-functional-setter foo jaz path-string? path-string->string)

I've seen this handled in two ways:

1) define-syntax-class with multiple (pattern ...) clauses, which renders
the parsing cleaner and easier to understand.  Handling missing parts is
still an issue, since using an attribute that wasn't matched is a syntax
error, so my questions:

A) Is there a way to test if a syntax class has a particular attribute
before trying to use it?

B) Alternatively, is there a way to create a null syntax object that
expands to nothing?  Not (void), not "", literally nothing.   Then I could
have each pattern bind all the attributes via #:with and just have some of
them be blank.

2) Alternatively, macros with optional parts can be handled by a series of
test cases in a syntax-parse, one for each option.  That ends up with a lot
of copy/pasted code between the segments.  I'm getting around this via
re-parsing but that feels clumsy.  What is the better way?

3) There's something I'm not understanding about providing this thing.  I
have it in a file called make_functional_setter.rkt:

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax syntax/parse))
(provide make-functional-setter)
; code and comments for make-functional-setter, see bottom of email

When I (require "../make_functional_setter.rkt") on the CLI racket shell,
everything works great.  As soon as I try to require it into a file, it

Contents of file test.rkt:

#lang racket
(struct bar (a b))
(require "../make_functional_setter.rkt")
(make-functional-setter bar a)
(make-functional-setter bar b path-string? ~a)

When I do "racket test.rkt" on the command line, I get the following

bar?: unbound identifier in module
   #(2082 module test 0) #(3901 module) #(3902 module struct 0) #(25633
   #(25639 use-site) #(25818 local) #(25820 intdef)
  other binding...:
   #(2081 module) #(2082 module test 0)
  in: bar?

I've been through this in the DrRacket macro stepper but that hasn't helped
me any.  (It rarely does.)

I'm assuming it's a phase issue, so I've played around with for-syntax,
for-template, and for-meta but apparently I do not understand phases well

What could be causing this?

I've been going through all the macro- and syntax-related docs that I can
find, but there's a lot of them and they take a few re-reads to sink in, so
there's probably something exactly for this that I haven't seen.

Code is below and at
https://gist.github.com/dstorrs/a53ec8736551eb5745d1d5fd265b5062 in case
Gmail mangled the formatting.

;;     make-functional-setter: macro for generating non-mutating field
;;     setter functions for a struct
;; Define a struct:  (struct book (title current-page filepath)
;; Generate 'set-book-title', 'set-book-current-page', and
;; All of these take two to four arguments: the 'book' struct to update,
;; new value, an optional contract, and an optional wrapper function.
;;    (make-functional-setter book title)
;;    (make-functional-setter book current-page  exact-positive-integer?)
;;    (make-functional-setter book filepath      path-string?
;; Details:
;;    set-book-title           accepts any value, regardless of sensibility
;;    set-book-current-page    accepts only exact-positive-integer?s, else
contract violation
;;    set-book-filepath        accepts only path-string?s, converts to
string before storing
;; Examples:
;;    (define b (book "Foundation" 297 (build-path "/foo/bar")))
;;    b                                                ; (book "Foundation"
297 "/foo/bar")
;;    (set-book-title b (hash))                        ; (book (hash) 297
;;    (set-book-current-page b 99)                     ; (book "Foundation"
99 "/foo/bar")
;;    (set-book-current-page b 'x)                     ; ERROR!  Contract
;;    (set-book-filepath b (build-path "/foo"))        ; (book "Foundation"
297 "/foo")
(define-syntax (make-functional-setter stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    ; First, grab the name of the struct and the field we're making
    ; this for.  We'll build some stuff here then re-parse instead of
    ; copy/pasting for every pattern match
    [(_ type-name field-name ignored ...)
     (with-syntax* ([func-name   (format-id #'type-name "set-~a-~a"
#'type-name #'field-name)]
                    [func-header #'(func-name the-struct val)]
                    [definer     #'define]
                    [type-pred   (format-id #'type-pred "~a?" #'type-name)]
                    [func-body   #'(struct-copy type-name the-struct
[field-name val])]
       (syntax-parse stx
         [(_ _ _) #'(definer func-header func-body)]
         [(_ _ _ field-contract:expr ignored ...)
          (with-syntax ([definer #'define/contract]
                        [func-contract #'(-> type-pred field-contract
            (syntax-parse stx
              [(_ _ _ _) #'(definer func-header func-contract func-body)]
              [(_ _ _ _ wrapper:expr)
               #'(definer func-header
                   (struct-copy type-name the-struct [field-name (wrapper

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