I just encountered a problem while I was experimenting with typed racket 
and the drawing toolkit. I called (send my-bitmap-dc some-x-value 
some-y-value my-color) and the interpreter complained that set-pixel broke 
it's own contract. I decided to look at the type of this method (or should 
I better call it function?). The type is defined in a file named 
"gui-types.rkt". In the section of the type-definition of Bitmap-DC% is the 
[set-pixel (Real Real (Instance Color%) -> Boolean)]
I changed that into 
[set-pixel (Real Real (Instance Color%) -> Void)]
Now my code worked perfectly and I'm happy for the time being.

But as I am not really a developer I don't feel too comfortable changing 
program code which should be private to the racket-lang system. So my 
questions are now was it alright to make this change or is there something 
which has to be considered first before making such changes deep in the 
racket-lang system?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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