At Mon, 17 Sep 2018 09:34:46 -0700 (PDT), Stephen Foster wrote:
> But when I have two bodies that share the same velocity_func, I get a 
> segfault:

The problem is that a callback is retained (by default) as long as the
function that it wraps is retained, but only a single callback is
retained for a given function. So, creating a second callback loses the
link between the function and the first callback, and the first
callback can be is reclaimed by the GC.

This is often a difficult problem to solve.

> *Things that didn't work*
> 1) Wrapping the function f in separate lambdas still gives a segfault:
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body1)
>                            (lambda(b g d dt)
>                              (f b d g dt)))
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body2)
>                            (lambda(b g d dt)
>                              (f b d g dt)))

This change makes things slightly worse, because nothing retains either
of those individual lambdas.

> 2) Storing a reference to the function f in a stab-in-the-dark attempt to 
> "trick the system" or "prevent some kind of mysterious garbage collection" 
> still segfaults:
> (define probably-silly
>   (list
>     (lambda(b g d dt)
>       (f b d g dt))
>     (lambda(b g d dt)
>       (f b d g dt))))
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body1)
>                            (list-ref probably-silly 0))
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body2)
>                            (list-ref probably-silly 1))

Honestly, I'm not clear on why this fails. The `probably-silly` list
should be retained via the module's namespace, and so both of those
`lambda`s should be preserved, and so both callbacks should be
preserved. I'm stumped.

> 3) Storing the function f in two separate variables also segfaults:
> (define (f body gravity damping dt)
>   (ffi:cpointer-push-tag! body 'cpBody)
>   (cpBodySetVelocity body (cpv 0 -10))
>   ffi:_void)
> (define f2 f)

This does nothing, since `f` and `f2` refer to the same value.

> *Things that do work but feel dumb*
> 1) Explicitly duplicating the function verbatim:
> (define (f body gravity damping dt)
>   (ffi:cpointer-push-tag! body 'cpBody)
>   (cpBodySetVelocity body (cpv 0 -10))
>   ffi:_void)
> (define (f2 body gravity damping dt)
>   (ffi:cpointer-push-tag! body 'cpBody)
>   (cpBodySetVelocity body (cpv 0 -10))
>   ffi:_void)
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body1)
>                            f)
> (set-cpBody-velocity_func! (chipmunk-body body2)
>                            f2)

This works because each callbacks is associated to a separate function,
and the separate functions are retained through the module's namespace.

> 2) Duplicating the function with a macro lets me generalize the above 
> workaround for more than two bodies, but it still feels gross.


> If someone has an explanation or a better workaround, that would be great.  

Use `#:keep` in the `_fun` for the velocity callback.

To tie the callback's lifetime to the enclosing record, you can
probably use a weak hashtable mapping `cpBody` pointers to callbacks:

  (define callbacks (make-weak-hasheq))
  (define current-cpBody (make-parameter #f))

  (define _cpBodyVelocityFunc
     (_fun #:keep (lambda (cb) (hash-set! callbacks (current-cpBody) cb))
           _pointer _cpVect _cpFloat _cpFloat -> _void))
where `current-cpBody` is a way of communicating the record where the
pointer is being stored:

  (let ([body (chipmunk-body body1)])
    (parameterize ([current-cpBody body]))
      (set-cpBody-velocity_func! body

Beware that `callbacks` ties the callback to a cpointer record, not to
the actual pointer value. Since `chipmunk-body` returns the same
Cpointer every time for a given `chipmunk` Racket structure, I think
that's ok --- but it won't be ok if you get the same body pointer from
Chipmunk (via the FFI) multiple times.

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