I have been playing with a CI pipeline of my software that does:
test -> build -> containerize

The idea is that build creates an OS independent distribution using raco
distribute and then containerize creates a docker image of the
distribution using a well-known linux distro. In my case, I chose to use
debian:stable-slim. Containerization doesn't really work. For example,
libcrypto is not added to the distribution so the application fails to
start inside the container.

Take this project:

FROM debian:stable-slim

# Clone and setup
COPY ./lc /lc/

ENTRYPOINT ["/lc/bin/lc.exe"]

#lang racket

(require openssl/libcrypto)

(if libcrypto
    (printf "Woohoo~n")
    (printf "Doh~n"))

$ raco exe -o lc.exe main.rkt
$ ./lc.exe
$ raco distribute lc lc.exe
$ lc tree
├── bin
│   └── lc.exe
└── lib
    └── plt
        └── racket3m-7.0
$ docker build -t lc-demo .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  19.76MB
Step 1/3 : FROM debian:stable-slim
 ---> 414b5dbe710f
Step 2/3 : COPY ./lc /lc/
 ---> a43cb109cc9a
Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT ["/lc/bin/lc.exe"]
 ---> Running in bd7ab103ba33
Removing intermediate container bd7ab103ba33
 ---> fa0fdc5081f8
Successfully built fa0fdc5081f8
Successfully tagged lc-demo:latest
$ docker run lc-demo

Initially I thought someone forgot to mark the path of the libcrypto
library with a define-runtime-path, except I was wrong.

That looks ok to me, so why didn't raco distribute copy the library into
the distribution?

Kind regards,

Paulo Matos

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