Ricardo Iglesias writes:

> Good afternoon. I'm trying to move away from things like Matlab and SciPy 
> to do linear algebra work. 
> Something I notice I do a lot is indexing operations, such as 
> MATRIX[ row ] [ column ]
> I'm looking at the "math/matrix" library provided here: 
> https://docs.racket-lang.org/math/matrices.html, and don't see anything of 
> this sort; I only see things like 
> (matrix-map-rows) 
> and 
> (matrix-map-cols)
> Being able to access and modify a particular entry in the matrix would be 
> very useful in specifying operations to matrices. For example, given a 
> matrix *G*, one might want to perform indexing operations to get the matrix 
> attached. 
> Is this possible with the math/matrix library? 
> Additionally, would there be a way to implement a version of 
> matrix-map-row/cols that uses an index? 

Not quite what you're asking, but someone at RacketCon suggested to me
that maybe we should get GNU Scientific Library bindings added to
Racket, so we can better compete with Python and R for scientific /
statistical work...

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