> On Oct 17, 2018, at 11:30, Shu-Hung You <shu-hung....@eecs.northwestern.edu 
> <mailto:shu-hung....@eecs.northwestern.edu>> wrote:
>> Would it help if in the check module you use `=' as the equality test,
>> or specify #e10.25 instead?
> Success!
> Specifying
> (!test (hour-angle 12 20 30) #e10.25)
> produces the behavior I expected, correctly comparing the numbers.

Ehh, I spoke too soon. The analagous student test —
(check-expect (hour-angle 12 20 30) 10.25)
— fails when included in the handin submission.

My working hypothesis is that I just need to configure the handin server’s 
evaluator to have (read-decimal-as-inexact #f). I’m trying to work out how to 
do that from the (check: ...) form, and failing that, will manually create & 
configure the evaluator.

If you can tell me how to do that — or tell me if I’m wrong — I’d much 
appreciate the saved time. But I do expect it’s a problem I can solve on my own 
with enough time.


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