> On Oct 21, 2018, at 3:49 PM, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the best strategy would be to convert the generator to a
> sequence and then the sequence to a stream, then write a stream
> cartesian product. The stream will cache the results of the generator.


#lang racket 
(require racket/generator rackunit) 

(define (make-cartesian-generator gens)
  (generator ()
             (define gstreams (for/list ([gen (in-list gens)])
                                          (for/stream ([sol (in-producer gen 
             (let loop ([gstreams gstreams][acc empty])
               (if (null? gstreams)
                   (yield (reverse acc))
                   (for ([arg (in-stream (car gstreams))])
                        (loop (cdr gstreams) (cons arg acc)))))))

(define g1 (generator () (yield 1) (yield 2) (void))) 
(define g2 (generator () (yield 'a) (println 'only-prints-once) (yield 'b) 

 (for/list ([gs (in-producer (make-cartesian-generator (list g1 g2)) (void))]) 
 '((1 a) (1 b) (2 a) (2 b)))

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