On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 11:34 PM Jack Rosenthal <j...@rosenth.al> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 at 23:09 -0500, David Storrs wrote:
> > I am using 'system' to offload some work onto wget and other
> > applications in a few one-off scripts.  Is there an easy way to escape
> > a string so it's suitable for usage in the shell?  Things like
> > backwhacking all the quotes and relevant spaces and such.
> Is avoiding the shell altogether an option? You could use "system*"

Not really:

Welcome to Racket v6.11.

; two argument strings
> (system* "/usr/local/bin/wget" "http://google.com"; "-O /tmp/fooflaksdjdghk")
 /tmp/fooflaksdjdghk: No such file or directory

; one argument string
> (system* "/usr/local/bin/wget" "http://google.com -O /tmp/fooflaksdjdghk")
--13:47:10--  http://google.com%20-o%20/tmp/fooflaksdjdghk
           => `fooflaksdjdghk'
Resolving google.com -o ... failed: nodename nor servname provided, or
not known.

Okay, it's transforming -O into -o.  Let's try the long form:

> (system* "/usr/local/bin/wget" "http://google.com"; 
> "--output-document=/tmp/zot")
...lots of spew...

Yep, that works.  Okay, now let's try it with an actual filename,
unescaped to start.  I expect this to fail:

> (system* "/usr/local/bin/wget" "http://google.com"; 
> "--output-document=/tmp/Sara's birthday, 9/12/01-18/181")
/tmp/Sara's birthday, 9/12/01-18/181: No such file or directory

Sure enough.  Oh good, we're back to shell-style escapes where all this started.

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