> On Dec 30, 2018, at 3:13 PM, Jonathan Simpson <jjsim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Adding a '(provide type)' in expander.rkt (where 'line' is defined) gets me 
> past this error. Strangely, providing 'compare' or 'offset' doesn't seem to 
> be necessary. I'm interested in any theories as to why this might be the case.

Without seeing "reader.rkt" or "expander.rkt" — I'd guess that:

1) `read-syntax` isn't stripping all bindings from its parse tree before 
returning it. Though this isn't mandatory, it's a wise practice to avoid 
mysterious binding problems like this one. (Use `strip-context` in 


2) your list of literals in the `line` macro is stricter than you intend. Macro 
literals match by datum AND binding, not merely by datum. So if you say 
`(offset type test message)`, and you have `type` defined outside the macro, 
then the literal will only match uses of that particular binding of `type`. 
This is why `(provide type)` seems to fix the problem — you're injecting the 
binding the macro pattern wants into the source environment. Again, though 
Racket won't forbid you from managing bindings this way, it can become a 
tangled web.

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