On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 13:30:43 -0500, David Storrs
<david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Racket's OO system has the 'augment' family of functionality that allows
>you to change how a function works.  I'm wondering if there's a way to do
>something similar in functional Racket.  For example, when I was working in
>Perl I used to be able to do something like this Racket pseudocode:
>> (define (greet name)
>  (println (string-append  "Hi, " name)))
>> (greet "bob")
>"Hi, bob!"
> :
>> (before greet ~a)  ; argument to greet is now passed to ~a before greet
>gets it
> :
>; or, alternatively, instead of pre, let's do:
>> (after greet list)
> :
>; or, how about full control?
>> (around greet
>  (lambda (name)
>    (displayln "About to enter greet")
>    (inner (~a name))
>    (displayln "After greet"))>

Not that I can help wrt Racket, but this looks a lot like generic
functions in Lisp.  Is that what you're trying to achieve?


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