Here's the classic backpack 

Given n items with size Ai, an integer m denotes the size of a backpack. 
How full you can fill this backpack?

Using classic DP with memoize to solve this problem in Racket would be ps1.

I would like to try to solve this problem in HtDP-y way, since lintcode 
doesn't support Racket-lang, I use python to implement (refer: ps2).

lintcode told me that my python implementation is OOM, I was wondering if 
maybe the `fn_for_n` and `fn_for_lon` is not the right hammer for this nail?

========ps1 here ===========
#lang racket
(require rackunit)

(struct obj (value weight))
(struct node (value weight paths))

(define (max-value objs max-weight)
  (if (null? objs)
      (match-let (((list-rest (struct obj (value weight)) rest) objs))
        (if (> weight max-weight)
            (max-value rest max-weight)
            (max (+ value (max-value rest (- max-weight weight)))
                 (max-value rest max-weight))))))

(define allcalls 0)
(define memcalls 0)

(define (memoize f)
  (let ((cache (make-hash)))
    (λ args
      (set! allcalls (add1 allcalls))
      (hash-ref! cache args
                  (set! memcalls (add1 memcalls))
                  (apply f args))))))

(set! max-value (memoize max-value))

(define (max-value/nomem objs max-weight)
  (if (null? objs)
      (match-let (((list-rest (struct obj (value weight)) rest) objs))
        (if (> weight max-weight)
            (max-value/nomem rest max-weight)
            (max (+ value (max-value/nomem rest (- max-weight weight)))
                 (max-value/nomem rest max-weight))))))

;; (o->node (obj 400 2))
;; ==> (node 400 2 (list (obj 400 2)))
(define (o->node item)
  (node (obj-value item) (obj-weight item) (list item)))

(define (n-eq=? n1 n2)
  (and (= (node-value n1) (node-value n2))
       (= (node-weight n1) (node-weight n2))))

;; lon: node list.'((node 200 7 ((obj 200 7))) (node 200 3 ((obj 200 3))) 
(node 300 5 ((obj 300 5))))
;; W: weight
;; cur: node. (node 400 10 (list (obj 200 3) (obj 200 7)))
;; => list of node
;; (graph-nbs ex (node 200 3 (list (obj 200 3))) 10) =>
;; '((node 500 8 (list (obj 300 5) (obj 200 3))))
(define (graph-nbs lon cur W)
    (let* ([head-cur (first (node-paths cur))] ; (obj 200 3)
           [rest-item (rest (member (o->node head-cur) lon n-eq=?))])
      (filter (λ (ncur)
                (>= W (node-weight ncur)))
              (map (λ (ncur) ;; ncur:(5 300 ((banana 5 300)))
                     (node (+ (node-value ncur) (node-value cur))
                           (+ (node-weight ncur) (node-weight cur))
                           (cons (first (node-paths ncur)) (node-paths 

;; loi: ITEM list defined as above. ex. (list (obj 200 7) (obj 200 3) (obj 
300 5))
;; W: weight
;; (ini-todo h1 10)
;; => (list (node 200 7 (list (obj 200 7)))
;;          (node 200 3 (list (obj 200 3)))
;;          (node 300 5 (list (obj 300 5))))
(define (ini-todo loi W)
   (filter (λ (item)
             (<= (obj-weight item) W))

(define (knapsack loi W)
  (let ([loc (ini-todo loi W)])
    (define (fn-for-n cur todo acc)
      (let* ([nbs (graph-nbs loc cur W)]
             [nacc  (if (> (node-value cur) (node-value acc))
        (if (empty? nbs)
            (fn-for-lon todo nacc)
            (fn-for-lon (append nbs todo) nacc))))
    (define (fn-for-lon todo acc)
      (if (empty? todo)
          (node-value acc)
          (fn-for-n (first todo) (rest todo) acc)))
    (fn-for-lon loc (node 0 0 (list)))))

(define h1 (list (obj 2 2)))
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h1 2)) 2)
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h1 1)) 0)

(define h2 (list (obj 2 2) (obj 1 1) (obj 3 3)))
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h2 6)) 6)
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h2 5)) 5)

(define h3 (list (obj 10 5) (obj 30 6) (obj 40 4) (obj 50 3)))
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h3 10)) 90)

(define h4 (list (obj 4 12) (obj 2 1) (obj 10 4) (obj 2 2) (obj 1 1)))
(check-equal? (node-value (knapsack h4 15)) 15)

(define (gen-objs n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (cons (obj (random 250 300) (random 100 200)) (gen-objs (sub1 n)))))

(define N 50)
(define testing-objs (gen-objs N))

(displayln "Memoize: ")
(time (max-value testing-objs (* 150 N)))
(displayln "")

(displayln "No mem: ")
(time (max-value/nomem testing-objs (* 150 N)))

(displayln "")
(displayln "HtDP")
(time (knapsack testing-objs (* 150 N)))

=======ps2 here===============
class Solution:
    @param m: An integer m denotes the size of a backpack, 11
    @param A: Given n items with size A[i], [2, 3, 5, 7]
    @return: The maximum size
    def backPack(self, m, A):
        todo = []
        acc = 0
        for i in range(len(A)):
            tmp = (i, A[i])

        return self.fn_for_lon(todo, 0, A, m)

    def fn_for_lon(self, todo, acc, Arr, target):
        #print "Entering fn_for_lon, todo:%s, acc:%s\n" % (str(todo), 
        if not todo:
            return acc

        cur = todo[0]
        rest = todo[1:]
        return self.fn_for_n(cur, rest, acc, Arr, target)

    def fn_for_n(self, cur, todo, acc, Arr, target):
        #print "Entering fn_for_n, cur:%s, todo:%s, acc:%s\n" % (str(cur), 
str(todo), str(acc))
        if acc == target:
            return target

        cur_sum = cur[1]
        if acc < cur_sum <= target:
            acc = cur_sum

        nbs = self.get_next(cur, Arr, target)
        todo = todo + nbs
        return self.fn_for_lon(todo, acc, Arr, target)

    def get_next(self, cur, Arr, target):
        res = []
        for i in range(cur[0]+1, len(Arr)):
            new_acc = cur[1] + Arr[i]
            if new_acc <= target:
                res.append((i, new_acc))

        return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sol = Solution()
    # A1 = [2,3,5,7]
    # t1 = 11
    # nbs1 = sol.get_next((0,A1[0]), A1, t1)
    # print "get nbs of A:%s is %s\n" % (str(A1), str(nbs1))
    # bp1 = sol.backPack(t1, A1)
    # print "get bp of A:%s is %d\n" % (str(A1), bp1)

    A2 = [3,4,8,5]
    t2 = 10
    # A2.sort()
    # nbs2 = sol.get_next((0,A2[0]), A2, t2)
    # print "get nbs of A:%s is %s\n" % (str(A2), str(nbs2))
    bp2 = sol.backPack(t2, A2)
    print "get bp of A:%s is %d\n" % (str(A2), bp2)

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