Hi Matthew et al.,

Following up some work from last fall:

On Oct 6, 2018, at 15:58, Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> At Wed, 26 Sep 2018 15:57:12 -0700, Jordan Johnson wrote:
>>> (require racket/sandbox)
>>> (make-evaluator "beginner-lang.rkt")
>> . . ../../../../../../../../Applications/Racket 
>> v7.0/collects/racket/private/kw-file.rkt:102:2: open-input-file: `read' 
>> access 
>> denied for /Users/jteach/Library/Racket/7.0/pkgs/.LOCKpkgs.rktd
> That was a problem with creating a sandbox in DrRacket, as opposed to
> `racket` at the command line or with the handin server. It's fixed for
> the next release.

Having downloaded Racket 7.1, I’m playing with evaluator-related code again 
(for the first time since October), and now am seeing this behavior in DrRacket:

> > (require racket/sandbox)
> > (define e (make-evaluator 'lang/htdp-beginner))
> . . ../../Applications/Racket v7.1/collects/pkg/private/lock.rkt:26:0: 
> directory-exists?: `exists' access denied for /Applications/Racket 
> v7.1/share/pkgs
> > 

Command-line `racket’ doesn’t exhibit this problem; it just creates the 
evaluator and lets me run with it. This is on Mac OS X (High Sierra, 10.13.4).

I’m posting here in case it’s the same as (or related to) the bug Matthew 
mentioned, meaning the bug wasn’t completely squashed the first time around. Is 
there another likely possibility I’m missing? Is there something more I can do 
to help diagnose what’s going on?


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