Regarding the immediate problem, and then a couple things you might see after...

* Unless you have a really weird OS, I think the first problem is that another process currently has/had port 443 open on the same network address.  (This might even be from the last run of your same program, as the OS finishes shutting down TCP for that socket on that address.  Or it could be a Web server software that was installed on your workstation, or from some other development tools you also ran.  Or I suppose it could be weird security software on the machine itself.)

If you're on GNU/Linux, you probably have an `lsof` command (the name comes from "list open files" including TCP ports), which would let you do:

    lsof -i :443

If it's still a headscratcher, double-check what interface IP address(es) it's trying to listen on, make sure they're correct, and first try to access port 443 on the addresses in a Web browser (preferably with plausible FQDNs).  It's probably something very simple, but small chance it's something annoying, like broken routing, broken name resolution, or naughty OS tricks that something else installed on your workstation is doing.

* After you solve that problem, I think you're right: listening on the special low port number 443 would normally require root privileges (though maybe not on some non-Unix OS).  I think that particular Racket document should be changed to at least mention the problem.  (I won't try to say offhand exactly what the default advice in the Racket docs should be for using 443 -- there's so many ways to do this, all with different pros&cons for different needs, even if the software defaulted to automagic.  But the problem should at least be mentioned.)

* A possible third difficulty after that is that, not only is the whole HTTPS dependency on CAs imperfect, it's an annoyance for development, and easy to make it awful.[1]

If you want to do lightweight development from your workstation, and your workstation has a stable, unique FQDN, which isn't easily mistaken for production, such as "", one possibly-OK way might be to get a cert for that exact FQDN, signed by whatever CA is already trusted by browsers of people who would be using it.[2]

Or, I've also made my own CA sometimes in the past, trusted only by myself.  But that requires adding the CA as trusted to browsers, which has its own security downsides, and can be a headache to figure out how to do all the browsers and handhelds you go to test with.

Also, you need to decide whether you want Racket doing the SSL/TLS, or some program fronting it.  There are numerous ways to front it. Two effects of using a separate Web server on the workstation to front are: (1) it can solve the problem with the privileged port number (without Racket process needing to worry about how to do that); and (2) it could even (for better or worse; but maybe better for some students) hide the cert key from the developer (and use OS security mechanisms more sophisticated than root-only-low-TCP-ports to control who on the workstation can provide the behavior behind 443, and in what way).

* These are little details of history, and knowing about them doesn't feel very smart.  We want to be smart about things much more grand. :) [3]

[1] Example: Recently, I was considering a job developing a big enterprise cloud infrastructure technology thing.  While going through the company's main tutorial for outside enterprise developers/devops, I saw they were having developers run their tutorial app using URLs through a not-very-reassuring third-party dotcom, as a kind of proxy -- without any mention that this is arguably a very bad idea for almost anyone, much less anyone doing "enterprise-grade".  I think we can make a good guess that many of those enterprise developers, already overwhelmed with this huge mass of framework stuff that almost no one fully understands, are going to assume this is the way it's done, and end up doing production work with sensitive data in an insecure and unstable way.  (It gets even better: I then found a support post responding to the event of that third-party dotcom breaking... and the official enterprise infrastructure response to users was to switch over to a different third-party dotcom proxy thing -- perpetuating the bad idea, even while looking at a real-world example of one of the ways it can fail.)  Seemed like, eventually, someone is gonna get trampled by a HIPAA-potamus, or other painful enlightenment.

[2] Preferably an organization-internal CA, to reduce phishing of outside users, were your workstation compromised more easily than production servers are.  (The failure of cert-based server authentication, for outside users who don't trust that organization-internal CA, should scare away people who don't know what a development workstation means.)  Also, if the organization does this, they have to be careful that all its important Web servers were set up properly, or a development workstation server could steal browser cookies from other servers.

[3] But trivia can pay off.  Without spoilers, if anyone has not seen the film "My Cousin Vinny", I recommend watching it in its entirety.

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