Why is run-query not a macro and if it were, why would you quote 

> On Jan 27, 2019, at 4:06 PM, Jonathan Simpson <jjsim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having macro troubles with a DSL I'm writing. I have a macro that looks 
> something like this:
> (define-syntax (query stx)
>   (let ([lines (cdr (syntax->datum stx))])
>     (define lines-syntax-tree (parse-to-tree lines))
>     (datum->syntax stx lines-syntax-tree)))
> So something like 
> (query ...linear series of s-expressions containing non-nested code...)
> is transformed into (...hierarchical code in tree form...).
> But what I really want is
> (run-query '(...code in tree form...))
> The code that I'd like quoted and passed to run-query has a number of macros 
> I wrote that also need expanding. My problem is that all of my attempts to 
> write a macro that results in run-query being passed a list of code to 
> execute blocks the expansion of the passed code. Basically, I want to expand 
> 'lines-syntax-tree' before I quote it and generate an expansion including 
> run-query.
> For instance, this obviously doesn't work:
> (define-syntax (query stx)
>   (let ([lines (cdr (syntax->datum stx))])
>     (define lines-syntax-tree (parse-to-tree lines))
>     (define q (list 'run-query (quote lines-syntax-tree)))
>     (datum->syntax stx q)))
> I'm sure I'm missing something silly, but I'd appreciate any help. I should 
> probably read https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/syntax-model.html, but 
> it is going to take me some time to grok that.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -- 
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