Racket needs *you*. Please. 

The proper approach is to have short pages for different language immigration 
groups: Python and R come to mind as obvious examples but I am sure there are 

What I mean is we need help and *you* can help. Let me explain it with the 
Python example: 

1. Set up a page (wiki?) called “From Python to Racket” 

2. Create two sections that are immediately visible from the top: 
        — idioms 
        — performance pitfalls 

3. In the specific case of Python, the second subsection needs to start with a 
subsection on 

        — Python Lists aren’t Racket Lists 
        — then point to data/ralis and show how to transliterate the 
loop/append example like this 
        — optionally also show the more native Racket idiom 

4. When anyone observers another blog/social media/whatever post on Racket is 
slow because I come from Python, 

        (a) point the posters to the page  or 
        (b) if it is a new case, write a section for this example then do (a)

If you want to help advertise Racket to others, this is an excellent way of 
helping out. 

Thanks — Matthias

[[ p.s. For my very first Python program (a couple of days before meeting with 
GvR), I used Python’s append and was annoyed beyond belief. ]] 

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