For the benefit of other beginners, I think there was a small typo in 
prop-projection.v1 where the intention was to call that function 
recursively rather than calling pop-projection in the body of 
pop-projection.v1. The typo is corrected below:

(define (pop-projection.v1 A n iter)
  (if (zero? iter)
      (list n)
      (cons n (pop-projection.v1 A (matrix* A n) (- iter 1)))))

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It has been very illuminating!

On Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 5:49:01 PM UTC-8, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> On Feb 10, 2019, at 7:26 PM, Alex Harsanyi < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> One way to do this is for `pop-abundances` to have an extra parameter, the 
> list of previous abundances, and whenever the function is called 
> recursively, it adds the current abundance to this list and passes it on to 
> the next call.  The final call will than return this result instead of the 
> last abundance.  In the example below, "cons" adds to the front of the 
> list, so "result" contains the most recent values first and  this list is 
> reversed before being returned to the user.  Also, when `pop-abundances` is 
> invoked by the user, there are no "previous abundances" , so it needs to be 
> invoked with an empty list -- this is handled by a default parameter for 
> 'result':
> #lang racket
> (require math/matrix)
> (define A (matrix [[0 0 5.905]
>                    [0.368 0.639 0.025]
>                    [0.001 0.152 0.051]]))
> (define n (col-matrix [5 5 5]))
> (define (pop-projection A n iter [result '()])
>   (if (zero? iter)
>       (reverse (cons n result))
>       (pop-projection A (matrix* A n) (- iter 1) (cons n result))))
> (pop-projection A n 25)
> Don’t use accumulators if the function has all the information: 
> #lang racket
> (require math/matrix)
> (define A
>   (matrix
>    [[0     0     5.905]
>     [0.368 0.639 0.025]
>     [0.001 0.152 0.051]]))
> (define n (col-matrix [5 5 5]))
> (define (pop-projection A n iter [result '()])
>   (if (zero? iter)
>       (reverse (cons n result))
>       (pop-projection A (matrix* A n) (- iter 1) (cons n result))))
> (define (pop-projection.v1 A n iter)
>   (if (zero? iter)
>       (list n)
>       (cons n (pop-projection A (matrix* A n) (- iter 1)))))
> (equal? (pop-projection A n 25) (pop-projection.v1 A n 25))

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