> On Feb 15, 2019, at 11:05 PM, jackhfi...@gmail.com wrote:
> Whenever I change code in my package I switch over to the terminal and 
> recompile it with `raco setup`. This is slightly tedious and I’d like to be 
> able to do this from within DrRacket. But I’m not sure how to translate the 
> command `raco setup --doc-index --check-pkg-deps --tidy --unused-pkg-deps 
> --pkgs <pkgname>` into a runnable racket module. I tried the following:
>       • Using `system*` didn’t work because it doesn’t search `$PATH` and so 
> it can’t find `raco`.
>       • Using `(find-executable-path "raco")` didn’t work either, it just 
> returned false.
>       • Trying to invoke the setup command using `dynamic-require` and 
> `raco/all-tools` started `raco setup` successfully, but then failed because 
> for some reason the setup command was trying to read and tidy up stale 
> DrRacket-specific zos (the stuff in `compiled/drracket` subdirectories).
> What should I do here? 


(require setup/setup)

I think that’s what you want — Matthias

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