I have a .scrbl file with the following:

                        | #:rule (rule-name #:transform field-id
(field-id ...+) (code ...+))

My expectation is that this will render, well, verbatim.  Instead, it
adds a line break so that I get:

                        | #:rule (rule-name #:transform field-id (field-id
...+) (code ...+))

Am I not understanding something?

Separately, a comment on the HTML that is generated from Scribble:

It uses table-based layout and then adds CSS on top of that.  This seems odd.

The standard scribble.css file includes the following comment:

/* CSS seems backward: List all the classes for which we want a
   particular font, so that the font can be changed in one place.  (It
   would be nicer to reference a font definition from all the places
   that we want it.)

   As you read the rest of the file, remember to double-check here to
   see if any font is set. */

It's perfectly legit to do it the other way around, and in fact that's
the more standard way.  Instead of putting this at the top of the

/* Monospace: */
.maincolumn, .refpara, .refelem, .tocset, .stt, .hspace, .refparaleft,
.refelemleft {
  font-family: monospace;

It's fine to do this:

.maincolumn { font-family: monospace }
.refpara { font-family: monospace }

Also, it would be really spiffy if the generated HTML was
pretty-printed.  Having it minified seems unnecessary and

Are these things that people are open to changing and, if so, is there
a way I can help?

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