On 3/23/19, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alex makes good points, but I'm curious about the original question:  Is
> there a straightforward way to tell which function it was whose contract
> was violated, aside from parsing the message?  Or, more generally, where a
> specific exception came from?

For blame errors, it might help to grab the blame object and ask it
some questions.

  #lang racket

  (module a racket
    (provide (contract-out (f (-> symbol? symbol?))))
    (define (f sym)
      (symbol->string sym)))
  (require 'a)

  (with-handlers ((exn:fail:contract:blame?
                    (lambda (blame-err)
                      (define b (exn:fail:contract:blame-object blame-err))
                      (printf "bad value = ~s~n" (blame-value b)))))
    (f 'X))
  ;; bad value = f


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